
I'm trying to present only the general principles that apply to the layout of the site structure, the final decision is always the same for the web-master. In the final After all, no matter what design you have laid the foundation of his future project, the result of your work will still be correct: there is no Internet censorship, or any regulations for the site designer, chasing a certain strict limits. See more detailed opinions by reading what Howard Schultz & Associates offers on the topic.. An example of design solutions that are not covered in any of the above categories, is the so-called mixed layout As you can see, this example of the controls built directly to the page's title - it is a button to switch between English and Russian versions of the site, as well as navigation buttons: it may be a link to e-mail the creators of the resource duplicated at the bottom of the document and a link to one of the thematic sections, such as news pages. The main block navigation elements positioned relative to the left border of the document, but the menu selection Cyrillic encoding is located directly under the banner ad at the top of the page. The text box is divided into two single-ended speakers, with the right components are located a short announcement resource subject headings, including references to those sections. It is clear that variants of a mixed layout web-page can be a great many: specific solutions depend on the number of components of the resource sections of prepared for posting on the text and, finally, on the imagination of the designer. What matters is that the appearance of the site did not cause complaints from visitors.

In the end, only you as a developer, you and nobody else is entitled to to show all their abilities and talents and build the page on your own taste. The creators of some home pages, not tormented by doubts, placed hit counter in the upper right corner of the document, the name of the site write small slim type and publish it under the banners, and navigation controls for some reason, suddenly found right in the middle of the text block, between a story about yourself and photos of the author's favorite dog project. The taste and color, as they say, no friends. But personally I think the disease is incurable.