He offers also native support almost all mobile devices through the specially developed Pushdienst Z free push. We offer all of the features that includes Exchange, as well as many more and this users to less than 50% of the license price of Microsoft", explains Andreas Rosler. The version 6.00, representing just in time for CeBIT, was expanded (attachments are removed from the database as optional) functions as the new cached/offline mode for Outlook, the multi user calendar in the WebAccess and new enterprise level features. With the release 6.10, which launched at the same time, Zarafa brings a special hosting version on the market, which is multi domain capability and thus cost-saving to a competitors product for hosted Exchange, which is offered at a fraction of the cost for ISPs stems. ISPs can save up to 80% of costs with the new SAAS version. Thus is it be possible to supply the mass market business-class groupware"pretends Helmuth Neuberger, Managing Director of Zarafa Germany, the direction for the new product line. The advantages at a glance: Effective communication through sharing of email, calendars, contacts and tasks with or without Outlook robust features for sharing Outlook data works anywhere through WebAccess, Outlook remote access, push synchronization with Smartphones and handhelds entry price and upgrades the average native MAPI implementation for compatibility with many MAPI tools integrates 50% cheaper than MS Exchange improved security through centralized data storage easily in every Linux mail server (MTA) is seamless and easy to ActiveDirectory and OpenLDAP to integrate the data are in a MySQL - database stored compatible both Internet Explorer and Firefox PHP-MAPI interface to use Outlook data in PHP applications is based on open standards short portrait: Zarafa Germany GmbH Zarafa was in 1999 in the Founder of University City of Delft (Netherlands).
The German subsidiary is located in Hanover, Germany with an affiliated office in Plochingen. A presence beyond Europe is located in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Zarafa is an award-winning stable solution for shared access to Outlook data. The use of the software is possible via Outlook or WebAccess with AJAX technology and offers native support of different mobile provider. The Zarafa server runs on all major Linux distributions and can be easily integrated into your existing E-Mail environment. This resulting in an ideal alternative to the Microsoft Exchange Server.
Zarafa Europe offered through partners and integrates with many solutions. In addition, the company offers a wide range of briefings and seminars that deal with the advantage of Outlook Exchange alternatives and provide expertise related to groupware. The customer base is composed both small businesses and large corporations, ranging from Authorities on services and construction companies, as well as the health care sector up to publishers.