Monthly Archives: December 2012

' ' It was in the time of rei' ' (ALMEIDA 1997p. 13). Fraseque initiates the workmanship of Almeida demonstrates another romantic characteristic: oretorno to the past. Also as it is common in the Romantismo, some socriadas situations artificially. Into the workmanship of Almeida, Leonardo son is transformed emgranadeiro and later into sergeant of military services without if explicardetalhadamente as this occurred.

' ' All the battalions who had in cidadetinham granadeiro company and having a vacant in the company of regimentonovo, it are Leonardo chosen for preench-la' ' (they idem, they ibidem, p.136). Another romantic mark in the Memories is the occultation donegro, on this said Mrio de Andrade: However, it is Verssimo to notice that in a book so rich dedocumentao of national customs as these Memories, have ausnciaquase total of black contribution. It enters the personages does not have one alone that sejapreto, nor describes customs and cases of black color. We know that the barbers are geralmentenegros then, black the bahian dancers of the profession dosouvires and more the slaves are negligent references and create of owner Maria, (ANDRADE, 1978 P. 309).

Of this form, they evidence themselves, in deMilcias Memories of a Sergeant, traces of the romantic production of the first half of the century XIX, etambm, pertaining traces to the other literary school: the Realism, what nospermite to point out it as a workmanship of ' ' transio' ' of the Romantismo for oRealismo. Consideraes Final Memories of a sergeant of military services has if perpetuadocomo a great workmanship of Brazilian literature. ' ' This workmanship is in nossasletras as something definitive, seno as masterpiece at least as alive workmanship, not aged for tempo' ' (MONTELO, 2004 P. 349). Memories of umsargento of military services, for being a workmanship dislocated of its time, it despertou, eainda awakes the interest of innumerable critics, who if divergem in suasanlises.

Accounting outsourcing is now the market is not one or even ten companies. How to choose a company that is truly effective, and most importantly in a short time can perform tasks. All of this quite difficult in the absence of its own staff accountants. Reporting information about costs, profits and other other charges can be quite a strong influence on the operation of the company subject to errors in it which can dopuskatsya profane in this matter. Accounting requires a painstaking approach that can pohvastatsya few companies in the domestic market. In tax accounting, asset, which is not considered a major tool, refer to the actual inventory. According to the universal rule of price EMF, inserted in the material costs, pricing is oriented on the basis of their purchases, while taking into account the commission of retaliation, paid by the intermediary organizations, import duties and taxes, transportation costs and other costs associated with their purchase (Sec. 2, Art.

254 Tax Code). When you receive a wealth of free cost of buying the same zero. Specifically, because the Finance Ministry said, as if such price can not connect to the wealth of the costs, diminish the tax base according to tax revenue. In particular, these explanations have been provided by the Office of letter of 05.12.08 03-03-06/1/674. Consistent with our views, with Siim withdrawal allowed to debate. Fri 2 notes in 254 of the Tax Code provides a single pricing schedule for MPD, the rest of the wealth in the form of excesses found in During the inventory, and (or) the wealth gained in dismantling or demolition of decommissioned major funds, and even when repairing, upgrading, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, sample Elimination of the major funds. Price thereof have been used as a focused amount of earnings, discounted by the taxpayer in the schedule established by Fri 13 and 20, notes 250 of the Tax Code.

The important one is not to leave our auto-esteem to go on account for the foot of the indetermination and the lack of comprometimento of the masculine sex. - We have to like our proper company, son. To learn to like same us is a great step to leave of wanting to understand the head of the men. They are made of another material, of another species. Our happiness cannot depend on them or a serious relationship. Millions of things exist make that me happy and while my namoros not to avenge, I go having fun themselves with them. Until my mother was good of advice (REBOUAS, 2004, P.

144 and 146) With such ranks, importance of this workmanship for the construction of the feminine identity of adolescents is distinguished it, being source of study and analysis for other researchers. Valley to consider that, in the words of (DUARTE, 1990 P. 73) For who as much time he was absent as subject of the history, reduced to an inferiority sidewalk in its biological condition, at the mercy of of ideologies placed that it as as a sex and of the masculine cultural industry that if crystallization almost puted in charge of the construction and them images feminine it, is not easy to recoup the time and to reconstruct this identity. A workmanship as this, demonstrates to the advances reached for the feminine writers and the light in the end of the tunnel of the way that still is had to cover. FINAL CONSIDERAES: Considering that the identities also are constructed through the literary compositions in a place of cultural production, as articulation space, must translate the differences, leaving of the beginning of that, invariably they affect and they form. In other words, it is important to be intent to the meanings that the literary compositions bring, therefore they construct the identities or they produce the inserted differences in the imaginary human being. Thus literature, as it disciplines humanistic, favors the construction of the identity.

The vision of the reading of feminine workmanships did not have no pretension in deciding the problems in relation here, nor so little to determine this paper for literary education. The main concern was to try to understand the process that makes the linking enters the interest of the young for literature and the probable possibilities to take for its lives spaces of free performance of aviltantes looks of slaughter and subjugation. In the book the scienter of the author of the feminine representation can be observed ahead, presented through the narrative that makes solid the cultural standards it transforms and them in markers of well coherent the feminine aesthetic and cultural standard with the present time. Bibliographical references: BONICCI, Thomas & ZOLIN, Lucia Osana. Literary theory: Boardings Histories and Trends Contemporaries. Maring, EDUEM, 2009. DUARTE, Constancy Rasps. Literary feminine and critical literature. In: GAZZOLLA, Ana Lucia Almeida (org.) The woman in literature. Belo Horizonte: UFMG. 1990. P. 70-79. PARROT, Guacira Lopes. Sort, sexuality and education: a perspective after-estruturalista. Petrpolis: 1997. REBOUAS, Thalita. It speaks serious, mother! Rio De Janeiro, Rocco, 2004. SCHWEICKART, Sponsorship P. Reading ourselves: toward feminist theory of reading. In: RICHTHER, David H. Conflicting views on reading literature. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin? s Press. 1994. P. 269-278. TIBURI, Mrcia. /MENEZES, Magali M. of. /EGGERT, Edla. (Orgs.) The women and the philosophy. They are Leopoldo: Publishing company UNISINOS, 2002.