Monthly Archives: November 2013

Today I come to tell some kindness to you of the program of aerobic resistance to improve and to prevent the backache with the Electroestimulacin. The majority of the pains the back, or is lumbar, average part or cervical, they come caused by a low muscular tension, that is to say, that a long time ago we did not exercise the zone we have and it totally relaxed. This causes that the muscles lose tone and tension and that some nerves are even clipped. That facilitates that the contracturas appear we waited for at least it (the majority of the times with the cold or the changes of station) that we have pinzamientos that reduce our mobility and that causes that we lose quality of life. First that I recommend to you it is that you remember the bad thing you are passing that it then. That you remember the backache and the discomfort that you are, and you write that it in a paper. That is the first step.

This paper, once recovered, will serve to you as motivation to realise maintenance and exercises of back during at least a pair of times per week. When you do not have desire of to make activities physical to take care of your back, like going to the gymnasium, making swimming, or to realise the electroestimulacin, throws a look to the paper that you wrote when as much pain you had, when you could almost not be moved of the backache that you felt. That will cause that the motivation blooms again in your life. It remembers that the best medicine is the preventive one. Once you the backache has gone away, first that we must do it is to create a electromusculacin routine. A day to the week you have ponerte the electroestimulador in the zone sore or prone to contracturar itself and to make a session of " resistance aerbica" Why " resistance aerbica"? Very simple. The muscles of the back are to a large extent of slow fibers.

They must work during long time to not very high intensity, of continuous way, like for example the lumbar ones. The program of " resistance aerbica" of ours compex, to cefar or globus works between 10 and 20 Hertz and to that frequency exercise slow fibers, giving them more resistance and helping them to be oxygenated better. The intensity to work the zone is the bearable principle, and the working time will be the one that marks the electroestimulador to you, preferably between 30 and 50 minutes. To the being a smooth exercise, we can realise it at the very end of the night for example, while we see our program of favorite television or while we are sailing by Internet. This way, using the electroestimulador once to the week you are going to be able to prevent those backaches that as much bother, you are going to be able to elevate the muscular tone and the resistance of the zone that you exercise, and are going to be able to oxygenate those muscles and the zone that you work, and so you will be avoiding that the next time that changes the time, or that lame a greater weight to the one than you are customary, you contracture the zone and you remain sore by at least one week.

INTRODUCTION the present article is treated on a Work of Conclusion of the Course of Design de Mveis, referring to the project of an infantile pedagogical table that assists in the learning since the phase of initiation to the pertaining to school life. The choice of the subject was possible thanks to the existing infantile movable comment in the schools. It was observed that these do not possess concern in stimulating the interest of the child in studying, not getting distinguishing in what it says respect to the aesthetic and symbolic aspects. It is common to find mobile infantile that takes care of essentially only to basic the functional requirements of a furniture, being worried in reducing the size and taking care of the main practical function, that is to support objects. In recent years the infantile user only comes if benefiting with the interest on the part of the architects and designers in the infantile acquisition of sociology knowledge, psychology and ergonomics with the objective to take care of the real necessities of the children.

The child in initiation phase pertaining to school needs a special attention. It needs to feel itself made familiar to the environment pertaining to school and attracted by this, in way that can be stimulated to learn, relating the environment of pleasant and beneficial study with something for it. Thinking about this, it was arrived proposal to project and to develop an infantile pedagogical table, that was aesthetic attractive and ergonomically comfortable for the children, being possessed interesting format, showy colors and was a differentiated product, with the intention to influence positively in the learning of the child. METHODOLOGY the methodology of the present article consists of: concept on infantile development, in the age enters the 4 6 years, infantile learning, importance of playing, research of field, survey of the necessities and archetype.

The infestantes had constituted, since the primrdios of agriculture tie to our days, concern of the seen Man to be responsible for the reduction of the productions of the cultures, today aggravated for impressive demographic increase world-wide e, therefore, for the constant food search. The infestantes provoke damages under diverse forms: in the cultivated fields it is necessary to invest - one high one I am numbered of hours in cultural operations for its containment or eradication. Only in the United States, the losses provoked for the infestantes had been esteem in 5 a thousand million dollar, value that is only surpassed by losses caused for the erosion of the ground in those Parents. On the other hand, it is calculated that 16% of the value of the harvests if must the cultural operations. The half of the necessary work must the infestantes gifts and, therefore, in each hectare of cultivated land they are lost, only in time, 8% of the value of the production (Young chicken, 2008). In our Parents, he has not been few the efforts in the direction of if placing Agriculture in a level where it can satisfy the necessities alimentary of the populations. In this context, study of the infestantes it appears as plus a necessary, imperious effort until, visa to be able to supply indispensable elements of base to the job multicriteria of cultural techniques that lead to the increase, for unit of surface, of the agricultural productions, particularly the pesticide use that if it justifies in the great extensions of cultivated lands had the scarcity of hand of resultant workmanship of the agricultural exodus and the morosidade of monda and/or sacha manual, more accented in great areas. The work of study of the main infestantes in the main cultures of Angola, constitutes a starting point for future works of gnero in other cultures.