Monthly Archives: September 2015

He is this, we do not pass of consumers of an eager market of our attention, eager of our omission and lack of citizenship, eager of proper us. Our country has resources inexhaustible; our country has enough laws, has a Constitution considered with one of most advanced; we have still respectable civil representations. What in the lack it is the direction of having and acting citizen. Acting citizen is conscientious, responsible to act, no matter what, donates who to ache. If I have that to negotiate, for example, so that this text is published, already I would be leaving to fulfill my duty. If to gain a business we have that to violate the law, we leave of being a citizen of the good and pass, without interval, or mediation, for the other side; the side of the smart ones, the corrupt ones, unpunished and the prevaricadores. Not, I feel very, does not have term half; or if it is with Mamon - with it, opting to the greed and of the side of the Evil -, or if is to the side of the Good and the Beauty, and, therefore, with the things of God. There, well pra where all we are heading, is the place of the truth, does not have there as to negotiate lack of attitude, indifference, disrespect, omission.

There, pra where we are walking to each as, only has two lines, of that go up and that go down. There, our confrontation will be with we ourselves and will be our proper judges. Douglas R. Oberhelman is often quoted as being for or against this. Ah, as it is difficult to live thus, somebody will murmur. It is difficult, it is crucial, he is painful; how many ' ' amigos' ' if they lose, quanta incompreenso if harvests, and, until, solitude. But, now, more than what never, it is absolutely necessary.

If each one of us at least that they had received the life more than to fulfill, nothing more than what, with our duty, our responsibility, our debt with the society, the world will be well better. Without needing to make nor to participate of reuniezinhas to argue problems, comissezinhas to evaluate useless calamities and responsibilities, walks, response of gracinhas for the Internet. It arrives. If each one will be responsible for the world piece where it circulates and it is responsible in the formation of its culture and the track of its customs, not to transigir and will have absolute notion of importance of its presence in the world, inexcusable things as landslides and as much other calamities, will be rarefied. Laws and norms will be fulfilled. We, the espertinhos are, of jeitinho Brazilian, the responsible ones for landslides.

Retailers. Its company already this prepared for the new war launched in the market? If the vine has few months practical of reduced prices minimizing its profits and in times bringing gargalos for the financial sector of its business. Imagines what the war of the P? s goes to make with many companies. The war of the P? s appeared of the union between commercializing products with reduced prices and of practical of stated periods strained. A war that starts adentrando the management of some businesses as faturamentos tool for conscription of new customers and greaters.

What it can happen with this? This new scene has made with that some entrepreneurs and managers forget the factor yield, which comes if transforming into equality or damage, mainly in the line of the commercialized promocionais products. A turn of sales of great representation in the final addition of the monthly invoicing. ' ' How much bigger they will be these sales, greaters will be the accumulated damages! ' ' The company who not to keep organization in the accounts payable accounts receivable; well structuralized accounting; formatting of operative price condizente/and a healthful capital of turn; risk runs possible of suffers a financial collapse. The war of the two P? s is plus a cycle of commercial life in which we need to adjust itself. To study each process, limitations and necessities of the company for such, will be the best one taken of decision for the moment. They think about this. (Jnior Faj, Consultoria & Lecture,) (THEY ACQUIRE the BOOK RETAIL EXPERIENCIAL IN the SICILIANO OR FOR)

This type of process reverse of the logistic one causes incidental costs, many high times for the companies, a time that processes as storage, separation, conference and distribution will be made in duplicity, and as well as the processes, the costs also are duplicados.2. Development: 2.1. Others who may share this opinion include Douglas R. Oberhelman. The Case of Aluminum in Brazil: According to ABAL (Brazilian Aluminum Association), the aluminum is a not ferrous metal, of great use in the market and that, gradual, it goes substituting the steel in its application in some segments of the industry. Metal of low density is allowing the confection of lighter structures and has a resistance to the very bigger corrosion of what the steel, even so its disadvantage of low resistance mechanics when compared it, can, through league elements, to reach sufficiently reasonable values, becoming it apt to the application as raw material for a great variety of civil applications. In accordance with the CEMPRE (Enterprise Commitment for the Recycling), the aluminum can be recycled infinite times, without losing its characteristics in the reaproveitamento process, in contrast to other materials.

Still in accordance with the ABAL the aluminum can, as raw material, is a product of after-consumes that it possesss a considerable sazonalidade, and one of the factors is the climatic condition. In accordance with given of the ABRALATAS (Brazilian Association of the Manufacturers of can of High Reciclabilidade), the index of recycling of aluminum cans in Brazil is highest of the world, reaching, in 2009, 98.2% of all the commercialized aluminum cans in the country. 2.2. Logistic Reversa and Ambient Questes Worried about ambient questions, the companies are each time more escorting the cycle of life of its products, becoming each time more clearly when we observe a considerable growth in the number of companies who work with recycling of materials. An example of this concern is the Replaneta project, that consists of collection of cans of aluminum and bottles PET, for posterior recycling, and that it has as bases of sustentation for the success of the business the automation and an efficient operation of logistic reversa.

In the love she is necessary to learn if to play! Today in my life I jumped for the first time of Bungee Jumping. Ours! I do not have words to explain the sensation that is that business. panic, adrenalin, terror, feeling of freedom, happiness summarizing, a madness. It has hours that you find that its heart does not go to support. Who lived, knows. Who does not know, never will understand by means of explanation.

today at night reflecting on the experience that I lived, I could not leave to observe the great analogy that can be made between bungee jumping and the relationships in general. Vocs already had heard the expression of that you stop living a love history you have that to launch itself of head? It is more or less for there in this great trick of free fall only gains who has courage of if risking. The fear to fall is great. if that one geringona to fail? if that one to make to suffer somebody you? He is funny that in the Bungee Jumping, as well as in the love it always has somebody with an opinion and one history pra to count. ' ' He is dangerous excessively A friend of my friend died thus! ' ' ' ' The cousin of a friend mine passed for same situao' '. Everybody knows what pra is better you. Valley the penalty to never jump Then after all? Pra that if to risk? Pra that to pay pra to see? Pra that to pay pra to suffer? What it is that you earn with this? Well The principle you do not gain nothing I you did not gain a prize of honor to the merit, you did not gain a job, I did not gain a public recognition for my bravery and definitively I did not gain money (quite to the contrary) Also I until I lost I lost the gravity.