Monthly Archives: December 2019

Kufstein Press Office revolutionized that relation not only in Tyrol and Austria media press and public, but also in the Switzerland and in Germany you hit the nail Kufstein/Tyrol on the head and that with every word! The journalists around the media makers Robert Zach"prepare something naughty topics from business and politics, is probably the proverbial impudence with which approach free, wild, young journalists on the future of the media press. The print media world with their journals, magazines and newspapers wails in the tomb and ZAROnews celebrates a success after another, what the difference is here. First is a newspaper of only an advertising platform, a supporting element at the current topics with PR and advertising are framed, which is usually really expensive and brings not much except a relative value of disposal at the waste paper. Is everything there for the dustbin, if a company has issued several thousand for a beautiful report, then he is still cut off and framed, then that was it. Da slip several press and PR messages on the walls in offices of senior executives and bring nothing, except that they effectively catch dust.

This era is the end, it still is still give various colorful leaves, but their number and diversity will be reduced dramatically, that is the Internet. I think number one on Google as in the waste, better on the first pages of the top search engines as in the paper. With over 50 co-operating partners the Kufstein press agency is well represented in the Alps of Switzerland and Germany, we are a force in D.A.CH, substantiated that even Robert Zach, who published as editor and author for years and writes. Who wants to do business today regionally or internationally, you need the Internet and hence the press on the Internet. Right good online press means links and links mean power for the website.

With our public relation (PR campaigns), we make brands, brand awareness and image, we are the better advertising so Zach in the interview. An example in the summer of 2009 they enter today Theresienol in the search window in your search engine started the pharmaceutical company Theresienoil"with a wound healing product, than NO-name, we have realized that in just a few months, so brands are made. Success in the Internet sustainable becomes a normal state. Newcomers are warmly welcome because who she cares for mostly still no revenue sizes already new companies that have but still nothing, nobody, who wants are. We write these newcomers to pole position, then sales, then profit comes and we have a customer in the eternity that so cheap so much success that there is ZAROnews. And the top companies will also learn it, they will realize that no more battle is won at the beautiful, glittering names of the press media budgets for public relations and can trigger these budgets elsewhere sales avalanches. If budgets are used correctly for PR then make the really big waves, which then goes in the direction of tsunami, as success is achieved. And the best thing about this Success can follow the customer online. You can read ZAROnews of course daily at and if you want to know who the front she is then Google times: you should stand in the front row of the top search engines Halton, DP1, Tyromed, Esthron, and many others, if your Web site today that will be worth what yesterday cost them then. Contact: ZAROnews-Antony Zettl ham Lake 7 A 6330 Kufstein/Tyrol email: home: