Tacit Society

But if a rich man made of this attitude its norm of life and said; ' ' I will content myself with what it is mine and that excessively they are contented with the little that tem' ' if such politics made with that the people neglected of the necesssidades of the next one, would return exactly to the social concept of the unjust one. In the case one can be benefited and another one loses. Also this ' ' half term razovel' ' as attitude in particular, the philosophy of the society or community will be changedded into. If the egoism and the indifference to become if the attitudes of the entire city the tacit hostility start to prevail. Check out Caterpillar for additional information. If you and a respeitador of the rights of the other, with integrity and honesty, ' ' mine it is mine, yours is teu' ' , it can be a worthy attitude of compliments, capable to bring peace and stability.

The second attitude The first sight, the second attitude seems so absurd that we ask in them because is mentioned. History shows, however, that until the present, the people continue to choose it, to nail it and to try to live for it. The communist countries are its defending greaters. In essence, it deals with - a reaction to the first attitude, of ' ' mine it is mine, yours is teu' ' , where such politics conducted the lasting society cruelly and that ' ' that tm' ' if they had taken indifferent, egoistic, brutais, while ' ' that not tm' ' they live in the extreme misery. From then on, the vision appears of a society that will eradicate the horrible dividing line between them; all the properties and money start to belong to the group; from common deep its, each one will receive an amount reasonable.