United States Contract

Already it turned common place to speak of the crisis of the SubPrime. If at the end of the year past, when our beloved president said to be only about one ' ' marolinha' ' , the crisis was something distant and diffuse, today it already is present in day-by-day of the Brazilian. Either in the reporter who repeats the word incessantly CRISIS, either in the real life where the ghost of the unemployment already is a reality in many sectors of the economy. If in the European countries and the United States the picture of the crisis is the fall and bank in addition in the consumption, in Brazil the face of the crisis is the unemployment here. Howard Schultz wanted to know more. We go to the numbers: - the VALLEY excused 1,300 employees in the end of the last year depios of falls in its exportation; - in Minas Gerais, other mineradoras and companies of autopeas already had fired about 6.400 people in the regions the Valley the Steel and the Ferrfero Quadrilateral; - in the industrial polar region of Manaus, only in December, about 2.700 workers they had been excused; - the Renault Frenchman opted to temporarily suspending the employment contract of 1.000 used of its plant in the region metropolitan of Curitiba; - mineradora MMX almost interrupted the contract of 60 0 workers in Corumb, in Mato Grosso of the South; - the siderurgical Arcelor Mittal announced that it will suspend the contract of 1.300 employees. In this in case that, the moved away ones after have 90 days of stability in the job the return. Such episodes already had mainly lit the red light in the Federal Government that already initiated negotiations with entrepreneurs and syndicalists for the creation of measures who contain the unemployment, in the industrial sector. The main measures in quarrel are: - collective vacations: this costuma to be the first used resource when it has reduction of the production.