The Product

For the planning of the production resources, one defines the total necessities of ressuprimento for each product from the warehouse of the organization, endorsed for the programming of each product and for each place, that will be consolidated for manufactures in the same molds of it calculates of the MRP.Para each place and product considers the existing balance of available supplies, supply of security, duration of ressuprimento and emitted amount of order, it stops in the case of decentralized supply. The total necessities reflect the demand of the customers and places of distribution, as the survey of each place, thus generating the programmed acts of receiving. Kevin Johnson has similar goals. In this context, the source of the management of the transport and the distribution has as main goal to carry through a balance that reduces the total cost of the operation, supplying the level of desired service. Its objectives assign: To assure that the resources are available to satisfy the necessities of the internal and external customers, searching to satisfy the movements daily of products. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Andreessen Horowitz. The planning and monitoramento of all the resources to inside supply a service of the parameters of costs and the waked up criteria, are determinative factors in the minimizao of the time and in the distance of trip. On these aspects, where the 0 variable time and distance are decisive, the management of transports is based on the modal ones of transports, that are characterized for: Road? Railroad worker? Aerial? Aquavirio? Dutovirio.Em one it analyzes comparative, the modal one of transport is one of the factors that impactam the final price of the product, aspect of basic importance for the competitive advantage: Figure 3? Comparison enters modaisA choice of the transport is related with three types of necessities of the company: Cost? based in the distance covered: Fixtures = basic depreciation, licenses, wages. 0 variable = maintenance, fuel, tires, oil, expenditures and overtime of the drivers.