French Revolution

The inability to resolve the acute problems of Peruvian society and hide its commitment with transnationals who are insatiably willing to plunder our natural riches with the complacency of the political class of our country; It is what makes awkward shaped, with Huff as a mask that thinks with the liver, is what makes them be implementing measures that run over all the human rights enshrined in the Declaration after the French Revolution. Although it is no coincidence in this kind of conduct in the Government, so much so that the implementation of their death squads, in which rehearse common criminals, murdering is a prelude that used it to do this with the leaders who refuse to submit to its dictates. These tactics and strategy being implemented, are seeking a pretext to consolidate a fascist state with the purpose of having open letter to deliver the country to the voracity of the friends of the North. Is already beginning to feel its effects, such as the delivery of the gas, and we say delivery, as we also could say the gift of our resources towards countries of the North, desabasteciendo the internal market. The Minister of energy and mines has tried to lie to the folly trying to justify the more evident that the Government was doing. As soon this shortage already is this feeling in the capital of the Republic it and surely they seek to weather the storm, but see impossible without putting in evidence its dealings under the table they were doing and more this Government.

We ask ourselves: does the because of the demonization of those who have encountered and different positions? Unable to comply for the sake of free thought and free Express. If they claim to defend their democracy, i.e. that they represent. Then because they are not scrupulous in respecting the freedoms or intend to do as the northern neighbor who ordered murder their countrymen themselves and destroy signs of his wealth, only to have the pretext to wage war to the world and plunder the wealth of the countries that are different from them.