Teilhard Connect

In any case, Siemens envelops us theirs in aspects of neuroscience, cognitive science, network theory and the theory of chaos, with complex adaptive systems. Although we can affiliate to constructivism, not We have to admit some of their basic principles: technology is altering our brains, because it is not possible to personally acquire the learning that we need and the formation of connections. Thus, other people become substitutes for knowledge. On the other hand the difference between real and virtual is becoming more tenuous. (E) emphasized the need to avoid the damaging effect of controls, which is at the end, after all the basic premise of his book Knowing Knowledge.

What Siemens issues to educators and the education currently provided is important because, without a doubt, will have to change the traditional methods. We can thus summarize: teach is to connect people with opportunities, experiences with knowledge, is helping one or more connections, connect experiences, connect to an experience, connect to teach others to connect, connecting people with content, connect people, it is taught to always. Intelligence collective or connective intelligence, but intelligence organized. It is never more recall the famous expression of Teilhard de Chardin: there is nothing in the world capable of resisting the convergent of a group of organized intelligence push. II thought increasingly has more effect on reality. Derrick de Kerckhove indeed reality provided you have clara the new reality is replaceable. For even more analysis, hear from DWDG LLP. opic at hand. For it is necessary the collective design of a project that passes through a collective or connective, intelligence in any organised event.

The traditional media, such as monarchies media and real-time technologies, so do not allow. Perhaps this process of passage to new technologies and their use in the construction of networks of networks can be called one of homo sapiens to homo ciberneticus. What should be clear is that the place of this anthropological mutation is the political. If we do not reinvent democracy there will be no future and for this it is necessary that the social body generates, through its Constitution on collective intelligent, the necessary tools to achieve this. The space of these tools is the knowledge, the power of thought, of a dynamic and lively space where transform qualities of being and ways to act in society. Pierre Levy, who without bothering much by names still talking about collective intelligence, reminds us that it is now a lifelike and paradoxical space that comes to us also in the future, one where, where not cannot confine ourselves to the problems of survival and power as it has acecido so far with extinction and division of the intelligences. There is a cosmos in mutation and we must put our headings, signing below through our collective reinvention as a species. Just we have sketches, but the road was made to go forward and succeed if we show each other and we will thus achieving the technical and conceptual tools. Levy tells us that the architectural project of the 21st century will be imagine, build and packed the lifelike and interactive space of cyberspace. Tell us then that intelligence does not merely knowledge but a working together involves recognition and enrichment of individuals. It is, fundamentally, a political issue and a matter of democracy.