
Obligations of the self-employed may not be the best time, coincidentally speaking, to make an article about the creation of companies in Spain, more when only should be read daily newspapers, or the idiot box to launch, to become aware of what the global economic situation. But anyway, and based on my personal experience, even in times of economic recession, there and emerge, business opportunities, which minimally enterprising people leave no escape. An example clearly have it in classic advertising agencies; According to all the official data, during 2009, income from investment in advertising media classic; Press, television, radio, etcc...they have fallen about 22% approximately (I speak from memory), and yet the total investment in digital media; Internet mainly and sponsored links through to increased percentage with respect to the same period of last year and it is the only medium that is in positive growths. In the next link you have more detailed information thereon: and anyway, there is nothing better than being wrong, to do better in the future; importantly, take the plunge and be your own boss, with the risks and rewards that this may significantly. Having said that, well, vamos Al grano: for setting up a business in Spain, we have basically 2 options; 1. To develop the activity that we are determined as a physical person (self-employed).

2. Or as a company (trading company); usually the most common corporate form is the limited company. The choice of one form or another depends on several factors; Self-employed or private limited company? You can not generalize, but yes there are conditioning factors economic, legal or image that determine which type of company to choose when we decided to start a business. When it comes to constitute a company, you need to choose the legal form which best fits the needs the new entrepreneur.