Bahia Production

& ldquo; Cooperative is an independent association of people who if join, voluntarily, to satisfy economic, social and cultural aspirations and necessities common, by means of an enterprise of collective property and democratically gerido.& ldquo; SEBRAE (2008). Generally, cooperative has intention to commercialize all the production and insumos and to take care of to all the fiscal area, since the association cannot make this work of commercialization. The Cooperative is the link between the producer and the purchaser bringing I obtain the guarantee of the payment. The producers receive better prices and services where the cooperative acts. 2,3 Governmental supports Recently, promising initiatives had appeared of formation of cooperatives of milk captation in the State of the Bahia. This newness generates in the sector the expectation of that the cooperativista system comes if to more fortify each time in the region.

A way to fortify the state milky system was the creation in 1983 of the Company of Development and Ao Regional (CAR), tied with the development and regional Integration of the state of the Bahia. With the objective to make possible the captation of the resources necessary to the implementation of regional programs and to promote regional and municipal the development, with intention to support cooperatives, associations organizations of producers. According to ZOCAL, 2005: The cattle one of national milk at the beginning suffered great transformations from years 90, being the main causes pointed with respect to these changes the deregulation of the milk market to break de1991, amaior opening of the economy for the international market, in special, the creation of the Mercosul and the stabilization of prices of the Brazilian economy. From 2005, one expects that new changes happen with the implementation of Normative Instruction 51, that it establishes the new regulations technician of production, conservation and transport of milk. In relation to this, we can detach the paper of the government around the well biggest one that is the incentive the international production local, partnerships and the improvement in the quality, changes that they are transforming Brazil into a great milk producer, and with this taking the regions Southeastern, with Minas Gerais and So Paulo, South, with Santa Catarina and Rio Grande Do Sul, and Northeast, with Bahia, enters others, the very high platforms of production the national level.