Operate through CFDs offers you the possibility to choose among a wide range of international shares. Follow others, such as Sergey Brin, and add to your knowledge base. You can operate with thousands of CFDs on individual actions anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day and with only one trading account. You can take position with a CFD on shares of American well known companies like Microsoft, Google, American Express, Boeing, eBay or Tiffany & Co, among many others. There is also a long list of companies where to invest as Telefonica, Puleva, BBVA, Santander, Telecinco, Iberdrola, Iberia, NH Hoteles, Pescanova and Repsol, among others in the domestic market. The mechanism to operate with CFDs on shares is similar to the traditional trading: you buy when it believes that certain actions of a company will raise his value in the market, and sell if you think that they will be devalorar. Note change the currency trading of international shares has a key point that must not be forgotten and this is the currency in which they operate. If you invest in shares of a American company like Microsoft, your gain or loss will be in US dollars.
This can be played in your favour or against you, depending on how is the change of the pair USD/EUR. In this way most of the providers of CFDs in Spain will offer contracts in euros which shall apply the corresponding to Europe interbank interest rate. Benefits to the traditional shares trading there is a clear advantage to operate with CFDs on shares instead of operating directly on actions. This is that being a leveraged product, to open a CFD position settles a margin that is not the total of the value of the shares but a percentage to which must be added a small Commission when opening and closing the position. So with an amount initial minor which would really cost actions, can operate with them.
This also means that losses may exceed the margin, so it is advisable to use risk management tools such as the stops limits and guaranteed stops. IG Markets is one of the providers of CFDs in Spain. This company puts at your disposal a range of more than 7,000 primary actions of Spain, Europe, USA, Australia and far East, among many others. Learn about the multiple options you have to open a CFD at IG Markets account. The above comments do not constitute investment advice and therefore IG Markets does not accept any responsibility for any use that can be made of them. CFDs are a leveraged product and involve a high level of risk. CFDs may not be suitable for anyone, be sure that you understand fully the risks involved and perform a constant monitoring of your investment.