Courage To The Hat: The Hat Gives Any Outfit That Certain Something

You need no special occasion to wear a hat (female!) clothes make the man? No, hats make dresses! The right hat enhances every piece of clothing. The hat was an indispensable part of the nightlife clothes earlier in Europe, its main function today is to protect the head against cold, wet, or solar radiation is. Only on official occasions, wearing a hat is expected to partly even today by women, as for example at the races in the Ascot. Click Alphabet Inc. to learn more. The real Hat lover needs but no special occasion to wear a hat for her, among just like shoes and handbags, everyday. To wear a hat to the hat in the 20th century symbolized the social welfare of women in the early 20th century. While the hats were gigantic large and richly adorned in feathers, flowers and ribbons around this time, narrow hats in fashion, which is not fully covered the Kurzhaarfrisur of the Bubikopfes came in the 1920s. If a woman was as well dressed wanted to apply, she dared not bareheaded on the road.

Since the 1950s the hat has finally largely lost use as General head covering. Mid-fifties Hat economy in the merged \"Arbeitsgemeinschaft hat\" for the Hartwig Gottwald, advertising manager for a hat factory, a successful advertising campaign under the slogan \"Man wearing a hat again\" performed. Hat parades and straw hat tournaments he hosted in the streets of major cities and luxury resorts. Nevertheless, all efforts could not stop the loss of importance of the hat. At the end of the 1960s colorful headscarves as well as the leather and straw hats of the hippies of the Knave in the strict sense made an end, and the Mad Hatter craft lost its importance. The indestructible Panama straw hat today's industry, their hats to get into department stores, relies on inexpensive goods, you just throw away if it is crushed or discolored.