Evo Morales

For his part the President of Ecuador Rafael Correa said, that the decision to join the ALBA was q mature and reflective way by his Government, to thus continue claiming the right of the peoples of America to choose their destinations and to prioritize its interests. This involves integrating the physical infrastructure, share energy projects and sharing social development planning. As the Bolivarian news agency reported us, the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales, proposed the creation of a permanent secretariat and a Permanent Committee of the Bolivarian alternative for the peoples of our America (Alba), instances that would serve to strengthen communication among States parties and coordinate actions directed from the newly created political councilsEconomic and social. During his speech at the extraordinary Summit of the Alba VI, held in Hotel Pipo Internacional in the city of Maracay, State Aragua; Morales argued that, in view of the growth of the organism that It currently brings together nine Latin American and Caribbean Nations, it is necessary to create an instance that serves as a coordinating entity. We are growing, they will try to separate us and divide us with economic blackmail () these provocations and aggressions require us to organize ourselves, integrate us, unite us and know us, immediately, the Bolivian head of State emphasized. In that regard, urged all of the Alba countries to fight together against the permanent plundering of our resources, the exploitation of our basic services and the oppression of our people. Morales recalled that since historical times the indigenous peoples of the region are permanently threatened extermination and accused of being ignorant and wild history repeats, are victims again of oppression and colonialism. Why we must continue the struggle that our ancestors began the task is not only to know us as countries, but knowing that we are each of us by our peoples, said.