GEZ Fees: Why Must We Pay?

The most important facts has become many times more expensive on the tiresome subject "Fees collection centre" (GEZ) In the new year. Just think of electricity, water and gasoline. Since you would save like the one or the other, so for example the fee of Gez. Why must we pay? You must generally pay GEZ fees for any radio or TV. This arrangement results in Germany from the experiences of Nazi propaganda during the third of Reich.

As far as possible to prevent manipulation by the broadcasting, it took over the system of public broadcasting in the United Kingdom in Germany after the end of the second world war. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Jim Umpleby. All recipients pay for their radio and / or television sets and allow a relatively independent (public) program largely free from influences of the State or by advertisers. So should be also allows, in addition to entertainment topics from sports, culture, politics, economics etc. getting a place in radio and television. That's why public broadcasters also the clear mandate to establish a balanced, i.e. also as broad as possible content and send. Unless one has a radio, TV, or both in the apartment, you have to pay such a fee. It is no matter whether the device is connected to or just below in the basement or the attic.

The theoretical possibility of watching TV or listening to radio is sufficient for the GEZ fees are due. In addition it doesn't matter what you look at in the television: many people argue, they would look just commercial television, which was Yes ad-supported and therefore they would have to pay no fees. The fees are independent of the content. Since January 1, 2007, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons also for all operationally used, Internet-enabled computers must pay licence fees, even if these machines in operation are not intended for the television or listening to the radio.