Holger Rust

You look at the many service industries, which now prove economic locomotive, one recognizes the economic trends in Germany are still as insane. "If industry nostalgic warn that it is not alone cut of the hair life could, they have not realized what really distinguishes a service economy", criticized Bernhard Steimel, spokesman of the Nuremberg Congress of Voice days plus. No service expert would dream of an economy without production and products. Only with the old methods of Fordism, no flower pot was to win more. Even mechanical engineers shifting increasingly to service providers. Here trend researchers and journalists such as Matthias Horx and Wolf are right completely Lotter. Tags such as creative industries, knowledge-based society, support or app economy very accurately describe the future fields which decide victory or defeat in the global competition for Germany.

The sociologist Holger Rust had moved in October 2008 by the cocoa Matthias Horx, of the transformation of the classical Industry predicts in a new largely service and knowledge-based society", explains Sangeeta. Such scenarios are economic and economic but simple nonsense tinged rust against the image of science. It wouldn't mind, to predict such a nonsense, an economist or sociologist, rust said not only because of the logic contradictory to, but already by looking at the numbers. About the Association deliver the German mechanical and plant engineering (VDMA). The VDMA have calculated that the gross value added in manufacturing in Germany much would grow faster for years as in the service sectors, the industry is booming so, while service companies slow sales.

For 2008 the industry association was expecting five percent revenue growth compared to 2007 at the German machine construction company, the as you at the VDMA proudly pointed out behind the United States ranked second among the world's largest producers of machinery and Plants occupy. There go the manufacturing companies in Germany gorgeous despite the slackening since the summer economy. As soon you can be wrong. We can no longer afford such one-sided industry-political songs. We should do everything to become a company with service excellence", calls for the after sales expert Peter Walker Madrigal, Chief Executive of Bitronic. In his company for maintenance and repair service could be seen very well, service occupations are as complex, the possibilities for product accompanying services and how much have to do the whole thing with technology. The hairdressing profession is very honorable. He is in the center of the service economy", sums up weilmunster. Discussion under: ne-na.de/service economy is crisis-resistant...