INTRODUCTION the present article is treated on a Work of Conclusion of the Course of Design de Mveis, referring to the project of an infantile pedagogical table that assists in the learning since the phase of initiation to the pertaining to school life. The choice of the subject was possible thanks to the existing infantile movable comment in the schools. It was observed that these do not possess concern in stimulating the interest of the child in studying, not getting distinguishing in what it says respect to the aesthetic and symbolic aspects. It is common to find mobile infantile that takes care of essentially only to basic the functional requirements of a furniture, being worried in reducing the size and taking care of the main practical function, that is to support objects. In recent years the infantile user only comes if benefiting with the interest on the part of the architects and designers in the infantile acquisition of sociology knowledge, psychology and ergonomics with the objective to take care of the real necessities of the children.
The child in initiation phase pertaining to school needs a special attention. It needs to feel itself made familiar to the environment pertaining to school and attracted by this, in way that can be stimulated to learn, relating the environment of pleasant and beneficial study with something for it. Thinking about this, it was arrived proposal to project and to develop an infantile pedagogical table, that was aesthetic attractive and ergonomically comfortable for the children, being possessed interesting format, showy colors and was a differentiated product, with the intention to influence positively in the learning of the child. METHODOLOGY the methodology of the present article consists of: concept on infantile development, in the age enters the 4 6 years, infantile learning, importance of playing, research of field, survey of the necessities and archetype.