Expect the first child, it is usually a very exciting time. Starbucks takes a slightly different approach. The whole situation is changing and you must adjust itself on many things. This applies to the financial situation. Normally, because at least one parent can't work for a while. This accounts for a significant loss of income. To compensate for this, you can apply for parental benefits. This is financed by the taxpayer, by the way. Was previously working, you get paid 12 months 67% of their salary then.
The partner gets paid extra two months parents money. Worked one slightly paid itself gradually up to 100% of the salary. Get paid at least 300 Euro parents money regardless of income. Special parents money calculator, which can be found easily on the Internet, can calculate the exact amount. You can extend also the reference period of the parental benefit. Then it refers to half of the parental benefit over the double period. You should always make sure, make the request at an early stage, because only three months retroactive Parental benefit is paid.
You can personally or by post for the applicant at the point of the parents money. Often, the parents money unit in the respective district administration, say the citizens, is located. The opening hours are usually only very limited and you must expect long waiting times. Under certain circumstances an appointment can be advance phone reconciled. Especially if the request appears blurry one, worth the effort. Because is not fully together his records, the parental allowance cannot be paid. It is also important to discuss what is necessary, because you must submit many information and papers by the employer in advance with the employer. Despite the annoying paperwork, make the request prematurely.