Kodak DigiMaster

The successor model to the proven pro 1356EX reached a print speed of up to 135 pages per minute with a monthly volume of up to a million pages. Frequently Ben Horowitz has said that publicly. Coupling between two systems can increase performance on 270 pages per minute. The fully automated system thanks to a wide range of integrated finishing options, such as booklet finisher, inline-ring or adhesive binder as well as multi Folding Unit and double inserter, has the complete production process for reports, brochures, booklets, catalogues etc. well in the handle. In addition, it features a high-quality image processing technology. The Pro1357EX is used in central pressure points, for example, in house printing and reprographics environments, ideally. Black and white printing with high speed: Kodak DigiMaster EX300 in cooperation with Kodak presented DigiMaster EX300 is currently the fastest electro photographic sheet black & white production system available on the market. It printed up to 18,000 pages of A4 per hour in duplex mode and allows in contrast to offset printing Applications with variable data.

Thereby, different standard -, parent -, and special formats can be printed in a print job. The system offers the best quality, performance, productivity, and flexibility of Kodak DigiMaster system technology and will meet high customer expectations in shorter lead times and the production of creative and high-quality print-demand documents with sophisticated processing. With the help of Watkiss SpineMaster and PowerSquare 200 booklet maker manufactures the DigiMaster EX300 high-quality brochures with sizes between 8 and 200 pages. New color production print system NexPress S2500 the NexPress S2500 is geared towards high-quality short-run color printing and variable data printing. The digital production color printing machine prints 2,500 slur in A3 XL or 5,000 A4?Color pages per hour. Up to 4 investors with a total capacity of 11,000 sheets enable longer uninterrupted printing cycles.

Due to the expansion of the machine with other investors and arms may requirements and pressure volume be achieved even greater paper capacity. Also, inline finishing modules provide for the completion of orders with less intermediate steps. Offsetmaschinenahnlicher paper handling can be a wide variety of formats and printing paper grades, thicknesses and surfaces. The combination of ORC components (operator replaceable components) that can replace the user himself, and an integrated support system ensures a high serviceability. Ricoh in the short profile of the Ricoh Germany GmbH with its headquarters in Hannover, Germany is a leading solution provider for digital office communication, production printing and company-wide printing and document management. The portfolio includes hardware and software solutions, production printing solutions, professional services and support services and industry-related business consulting (office consulting services) with the aim of cost and process optimization. Ricoh Germany is a subsidiary of the Japanese player Ricoh Global. Ricoh is with over 108,500 Employees and a turnover of 14.5 billion euros (stand: March 2009) a leading provider of digital office communication and production printing. In Germany, has a Ricoh approximately 2,000 employees and operates in addition to its main management nationwide with ten business & service centers. Contact for inquiries: Ricoh Germany GmbH Vahrenwalder Strasse 315 30179 Hannover contact person: Tobias Poschl, Mario Di Santolo Tel: 0511 / 6742-2517 or 0511 / 6742-294 fax: 0511 / 6742-264 tobias.poeschl(at)ricoh.de mario.disantolo(at)ricoh.de