Leonardo Military

' ' It was in the time of rei' ' (ALMEIDA 1997p. 13). Fraseque initiates the workmanship of Almeida demonstrates another romantic characteristic: oretorno to the past. Also as it is common in the Romantismo, some socriadas situations artificially. Into the workmanship of Almeida, Leonardo son is transformed emgranadeiro and later into sergeant of military services without if explicardetalhadamente as this occurred.

' ' All the battalions who had in cidadetinham granadeiro company and having a vacant in the company of regimentonovo, it are Leonardo chosen for preench-la' ' (they idem, they ibidem, p.136). Another romantic mark in the Memories is the occultation donegro, on this said Mrio de Andrade: However, it is Verssimo to notice that in a book so rich dedocumentao of national customs as these Memories, have ausnciaquase total of black contribution. It enters the personages does not have one alone that sejapreto, nor describes customs and cases of black color. We know that the barbers are geralmentenegros then, black the bahian dancers of the profession dosouvires and more the slaves are negligent references and create of owner Maria, (ANDRADE, 1978 P. 309).

Of this form, they evidence themselves, in deMilcias Memories of a Sergeant, traces of the romantic production of the first half of the century XIX, etambm, pertaining traces to the other literary school: the Realism, what nospermite to point out it as a workmanship of ' ' transio' ' of the Romantismo for oRealismo. Consideraes Final Memories of a sergeant of military services has if perpetuadocomo a great workmanship of Brazilian literature. ' ' This workmanship is in nossasletras as something definitive, seno as masterpiece at least as alive workmanship, not aged for tempo' ' (MONTELO, 2004 P. 349). Memories of umsargento of military services, for being a workmanship dislocated of its time, it despertou, eainda awakes the interest of innumerable critics, who if divergem in suasanlises.