Manuel Castells

The familiar and personal question also enters the consideration of accepting or not an ascent, but intelligently, in this way I mean that the life in pair or the education of the children, must be seen within that context of employability. The one that both of the pair works is necessary to see it as something normal today and for that reason sometimes one will have to yield for the sake of the progress of the other. Finding a work in another city, region or country for the other member of the pair, if that goes united to an ascent and a personal and professional progress of the other person, does not have to be obstacle so that it rejects the same it, for those professional reasons of the situation of the other or another one, especially when Internet allows to see the labor market you in that new destiny and to have supplies in that new one location of immediate way and with almost instantaneous answers. Many reject an ascent because it supposes to them to accept a geographic mobility that they do not like, but that takes to a lessening of the promotion possibilities almost always and much of the employability, it is truth that the flexibility that nowadays it demands the economic life can affect to many of the familiar and social relations as we know today them, they have shown therefore it in its investigations published in books: " The era of informacin" and " The work flexible" the sociologists and psychologists Manuel Castells and Martin Carnoy. But, although those that began their labor life in the seventy will have had a geographic mobility loss, the new generations of the 21st century certainly will have to think about changing more than 10 times of work, sector, place and country, under pain of evident a professional stagnation and a low employability. Tea-Cegos, S.A. CONNECTS: Original author and source of the article