Information provided by the banks and the potential customer is, too often, biased, cryptic or even misleading. Transparency must be the flag of banking, especially if the information is intended for the public in general and not to qualified investors. A look at a website of a financial institution should give us a good orientation of the requirements for granting us the mortgage based on our economic characteristics and the House that we want to acquire. There are two key points to estimate our chances of obtaining mortgage financing: our economic situation and of the possible guarantors that we can contribute to reinforce the operation (type of contract, monthly payroll, existence of other loans, working life, etc.). The value of buying and selling and the pricing of the House that we wish to acquire. Depending on the percentage of financing offered by the entity, we will know if we need to have savings or provide alternative housing our o of a guarantor for mortgage (what they call in banking second warranties). This time will discuss the second factor and how to decipher some actual sentences that use the websites of banks and: give 100% of the value of the House what a user of this phrase? It depends on what you understand by the home's value.
And it is not a trivial distinction. If refers to the appraised value (what is usually considered the market value in banking jargon) probably can finance 100% plus expenses if the pricing is high. On the other hand, if refers to the value of buying and selling, we will need to have saved the cost of the mortgage amount that around 10% of the purchase. Normally this phrase translates as we give 100% of the purchase value and you must have saved for expenses. These conditions are for operation with an amount of mortgage on the appraised value and the purchase value of the property up to 80% after this sentence there are true linguistic engineering.