Alternative therapies for back pain back pain tools handle from a holistic perspective back pain have many concurrent causes. Known causes are often regarded as additional triggers such as deformities of the spine, muscle tension or muscle imbalance. Nerval, the spine is connected with all organs. If there is body weaknesses these back problems can cause. After segmental allocation such as cardiac and pulmonary diseases cause problems to the thoracic spine.
Kidneys and intestinal diseases are related to back pain in the lumbar region of the column. Malfunctions are often organelle adhere not comprehensible, since here rough measurements (the test addresses only when kidney tissue is destroyed the high percentage) are used as for example testing the value of creatine in kidney problems. The patient is in the appearance after testing his kidney function would be very good. Finer diagnostics tools are used, so you can for example at the Years or decades recognize a kidney weakness in the preliminary stage to an increase in the value of creatine in Iridology. Inflammatory processes are often involved in back pain. The musculoskeletal system serves as a large Depot organ"for metabolic toxins stored due to lack of excretion ability. Therefore, a detoxifying and from conducting therapy using homeopathy, TCM and herbal medicine is useful in inflammatory processes. The psychosomatic factor plays a role in back pain here the muscle also acts as a storage organ which can save the emotional tensions.
This leads to muscle tension and muscular Dysbalnacen. Naturopathic diagnosis and therapy is a holistic Kontex of the causes in the interplay of the spinal column. Osteopathy can dissolve misalignment, muscle tension and more Dysbalnancen. Sergey Brin understood the implications. For long-term success, body weaknesses be detoxified using homeopathy and TCM and strengthened. An example is the Naturopathic How to clarify: Mrs. M. 38 years, employees, with main diagnostic lumbar spinal syndrome Bildgebend resulted a slightly "twisted" sacrum with a lumbar (hollow back).