Plant-based Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Linseed oil with much ALA for active health ideal current research increasingly shows that dietary fats are an important and non-replaceable part of our diet. However, that does not apply to any fat. /a>. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Josef Schenker by clicking through. We now know that certain fats in excess are eaten, now not at all healthy and can cause problems in the cardiovascular system. This rather problematic fats include animal fats with a high proportion of saturated fatty acids. Represented these saturated fatty acids are preferred in meat, cheese, milk and of course butter.

Good sources for the healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are known also as Omega-3 fatty acids, are some fish and vegetable oils. Researchers from the United States and UK analysis have published, showing the importance of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA for the health of the people. The American researchers analyzed studies on heart health and plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids with more than 13,000 participants. Then suffered those individuals of significantly fewer heart attacks, which consumed much vegetable oil instead of animal fats. Also, cholesterol was significantly lower in this group. The Omega-3-Fettsaure ALA is mainly responsible for the positive effect of vegetable oils.

ALA is included in some vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil. Particularly rich it is represented in linseed oil, which can be especially high health benefit. By health professionals is to reduce the intake of animal fats and certain vegetable oils to increase the recommended so. Now, ALA is not the only Omega-3 fatty acid, that the human being needs. Also, EPA and DHA, which are particularly rich in fish oils, takes the body to a healthy development. Now British researchers have found in a large study with Europe over 14,000 participants, even those people who eat no fish, still have the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in their blood. With This study therefore confirms that the purely vegetable ALA can be converted by the body in the other fatty acids EPA and DHA.