
Seated in my table of work, full monday, I obtain to visualize all the more employee production functioning, employees and of the production in its ranks of work making the products waited for our customers. In my front, a pretty plate with my name on and writing under: ' ' Manager of the Qualidade' '. Soon they come me to the mind a phrase of guru Ishikawa: ' ' Better to have controlling with quality of what controlling of qualidade' '. I enter in conflict. ' ' Which my importance to help my company in the search of the quality? I am only one cost more? ' ' I that I worked my entire life in this area! But to this it makes me reflection to think: what it would be if did not have, we, of the Quality? What we really add of value? Quality is an intrinsic term to a product or bought service, almost always proportional to the paid price, that is, how much bigger the product quality, how much and better more efficient the given service, in such a way bigger .o price.

However, inside of the companies she is not so simple this mensurao, this why (and this metaphor is mine), the companies are as organisms livings creature! A company imagines as a cell, with all the functions, each organela cannot simply be removed at random. Thus she is a company, all contribute for the final objective, the complete satisfaction of the customer, the encantamento of the customer and everything more, that she returns with more and more order and the company gains more and more customers. To take off a sector or a process is to desestabilizar all the system being made it to enter in collapse. Inside of this mental exercise, for terms a quality that searchs the perfection, and returning to gurus of the quality, we teriamos that to have the robustecimento of the product, in order that any possible imperfection of the process did not make the lesser difference in the product or the customer it did not perceive (theory of Taguchi), the incessant search for the zero defect and of the zero error (theory of Crosby), but without leaving to remember the 14 principles of Deming, the PDCA, the importance of Ishikawa, Walter Shewart.ufa! until arriving in the Lean modern 6 Sigma.