Protestant Church

Fairness I should add, make everyone else too of course. Maybe the CDU should mark the date still simply the C outsourcing measure from their name. Then at least honest, wouldn't it? But back to Kassmann. Christianity (I must not lead to think more, everyone knows the religious phrases, they are similar in all major world religions) occurs mostly at the end of her speech. So, she talks a lot about different, what is much more important than their religious content, but never can be disregarded, to point out that she is the head of the Evangelical Church, all their wise words finally stand for nothing else than the Lutheran Church itself in tactically clever moments. This is about as smart as the change of image of McDonald's in early 2000, where it decided to sell continues to culinary vandalism under the guise of the image of health euphoria. Check with J P Morgan Chase to learn more.

Margot Kassmann is what must now be every to be successful in a top position: it is a modern business woman. This distinguishes it not a Guido Westerwelle, an Ackermann or an Angela Merkel. One must at their pungent person monopoly already wonder why the Evangelical Church does not finally admits a ultra Protestantism: everyone to believe as he wants. Christianity needs no leader, everything else is human delusions of grandeur. The answer is of course obvious: without the goal-oriented structure, which is also the core of the cohesion of the Protestant Church, she would not succeed. Now the Kassmann so drank, and I have this impression of Germany at least pleased. It is open-hearted gloating that a moral high ground is not better than the society that spawned him.

The utopia that it promises, is doomed to fail smallest common denominator: their own person. It is me, to criticize them, but I'm still never drunk driving car and tried, however, already more than alcohol. Of course, can We now raise your index finger and say: she have can drive someone dead. The reactions are much more important after such a scandal: as always involves an immense loss of faith. As in the Huber case an individual must serve now the head not to jeopardize the whole picture, because individual failure is obviously not the failure of the Protestant Church. In case of Kassmann, that's easy: she themselves must put the head in the noose, it even has different abilities. She can not say: my Secretary is drunk driving. I think you even your sorry that as prostitutes caught with as sorry a VW Board Member, to be: it hurts the image of the company, and this tiny realization can degenerate into each yet so seriously offering admission of guilt to hollow phrases. Might it very refreshing, if she would just admit how it happened? That it also times good, is a pure to tilt, and it just, to at least one evening long to be slightly better on it. But that would be a too-hot iron even for Afghanistanmargot. Finally go to the own dirty linen. In the end remains the important insight that Margot Kassmann must live under the same constraints and above all work, like everyone else, and that even their personal God is not up to these constraints.