
"People are so deeply involved in the illusion and the pleasure of the material world that practically few who have retained more or less viable Radiation body! Fortunately, all life is capable of regeneration. Key and the mechanism of this Renaissance is the idea, and thought deliberate. In this - our strength! "" Yes, God is Life, in all its fullness and variety, along with meanness and dirt. Taking only the Good, the person is trying to divide God's half. But God, as and any normal person, with a view to disagree, so anyone trying to make a clipping of his Creator, he sends the charge as a manufacturing defect. What do you want him to do? "" Man, being the crown of creation, goof that came to Earth only to get, being in full confidence that deserves all the best. " - This is the lot of poor people.

Each of us who have not yet realized the truth is not on the path correct. "But crime is not the point. Jehovah God has given all that I could initially, when breathed life into the universe, you just take what you need. Of course, doing some designed just for you function, rod where - a deliberate choice of continuous! "A rich man firmly remembers that first you need to work hard and give peace to people all you can. Become valuable for the people! Give them what they want. Then comes to you what you want! Here now you read these lines and, if you will gather useful for you, you remember my blog, and then a small drop of my work done for you! I gave you a little bit helpful, and thank you for this! Your personality should represent value for others! What's wrong with you take if you have nothing to give! If a person comes to you for advice, then you have achieved something! When asked your advice for thousands of people - you have become valuable! These thousands of people will be give you money for your words.