Retrieve Any Interesting Links With

Social bookmarking (social bookmarks) allows you to retrieve interesting links at any time from anywhere. Social bookmarking allows users to create bookmarks, to divide them into categories, to provide with appropriate tags and publish this link collections. Bookmarks of other users can be viewed, rated and commented, or added to the collection. The advantage is that you anytime and anywhere the own links can retrieve portals about the social bookmark. Such a portal is. Informative links mainly around the themes of Web 2.0 and online marketing available here are the users. It is designed value, that all registered links are also useful and valuable for the user. This means that links should also be used for the actual source, so that the information is directly available.

But twigle deals not only with Web 2.0 and online marketing. News can also be entered in the fields of politics and economy, fun, health and fashion. Also the Aspect of the social network not neglected. Once the free registration, you can create a detailed user profile with contact information and photos. Other users can be added as friends. The sharing of common interests via groups, in which links can be discussed. Twigle Mr Gernot Gawlik has created a new online portal that enjoys increasing popularity. Mr Gawlik is employed as a sales representative in the field of online marketing of KIM Krick interactive media GmbH in Eibelstadt.