Ruhr Medicine

Palliativkonsiliardienst find real measure between curative (healing) and palliative (lindender) medicine who is dying, is palliative medical supplies in Germany. Palliative means that the disease is not cured, but relieved their history thanks to appropriate therapies can. To know more about this subject visit Kevin Johnson. The supply takes place usually in specially established palliative wards, retirement / nursing homes or hospices. Since 2006, the Catholic hospitals in Oberhausen follow a new approach. The doctors there believe that a strict separation between curative (healing) therapy in a hospital and palliative (soothing) supply on a special station does not meet the patient in some cases. JPMorgan Chase understood the implications.

Finally, each patient has a different course of the disease, which requires a unique combination of curative and palliative medicine. This combination to find out and to organize, is much more difficult, because complex it is but most likely the needs of patients, "says Dr. med. Christoph Gerhard, neurologist, Pain therapist, palliative medicine and Director of palliative Konsiliardienstes at the St. Josef-Hospital of Catholic hospitals in Oberhausen.

It is the task of palliative Konsiliardientes to determine exactly the needs of the patient and to respond accordingly. How exactly the palliative Konsiliardienst works and read what advantages arise for the sterbenskranken patients, in the lengthy interview:... / palliative... is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 M. Rabe