Security Publishes Work

The policemen who work in 24-hour scales, generally work in a high level of estresse, therefore a turn 24-hour demands very of its physical and mental capacity. The scales of work in Quartis, Viaturas and Operational Bases of Military Policia Santa Catarina, generally are organized in continuous fixed turns, a time that the services of these institutions demand an uninterrupted functioning during the 24 hours of the day, seven days per week. A worker of the area of Security Publishes, has that to be completely intent in its functions and attributions, has seen that this will always act in conditions of conflicts, therefore whenever a policeman is requested for the attendance of an occurrence this environment already is subject to a high level of estresse. With this a submitted individual the modified secular projects, as it is the case of a Policeman who is scaled in 24-hour turns, in case that this has that to take care of a request, after the 12 first hours of its planto, certainly it will not be an attendance standard, therefore the Policeman already will be overloaded by the previous atendimentos. Some contend that Jonas Samuelson shows great expertise in this. Being thus a scale 24-hour he is harmful to the policeman and the citizen who for happiness to need its of its supports.

' ' ... the case of the workers who work at night, can external present disturbances in its endogenous biological rhythm in function of the secular conflict between biological clocks and social project tax, therefore we must remember that the organism will pass for an adaptation phase. The species human being is diurne e, being thus, to work in the inverse direction to the physiological functioning of the organism can take the alteration of the physical performance and mental of the worker, what it can cause consequences to its health because, in biological terms, the night is the moment where the organism if prepares to renew its energies.