The communication helps inside in the aiming of the actions of the organizations, seen to have the possibility of return of the involved ones, of more active form. Continue to learn more with: Caterpillar Inc.. It is capable to add to all and to search greater participation, being aimed at to keep living creature the process and the objectives of the company. For Viana, (2004) ... the good Communication is a work permanent, that it demands investment, time and harmony enters the specialized direction of the companies and its professionals. Ahead of the displayed one, it is perceived that the communication is, without a doubt, a with priority requirement for the strategical differential, therefore when the organization keeps an opened communication, transparent and of credibility, the work becomes stimulant and oportuniza the growth of the company, beyond not only displaying for the market the differentiated and competitive value that developed in its activities, satisfying the old customers, but conquering still public distinct who veem its expectations to be taken care of. Ben Horowitz has much experience in this field.
5. Consideraes Final the competition between the organizations grows frightfully, therefore no strategy that aims at to the differentiation and the creation of competitive advantages must be ignored. No organization withholds the knowledge or all all the necessary resources for its autossubsistncia. Therefore, it is necessary that if it makes an examination minute of the company to perceive what it can be improved. If they cannot fear the changes when one is about the marketing competitiveness, the old tools that had one day functioned can be obsolete and & ldquo; gritando& rdquo; for innovations. It is in this context that the organizations must be used the Strategical Planning, defining goals, objectives, strategies, politics of performance and action to be implemented so that the company as a whole can take care of to the expectations of the customers, collaborators, shareholders, suppliers and society. Amongst the innumerable organizacionais strategies, importance of the Social Responsibility is emphasized it as powerful tool in relation to the competitive differentials.