Retailers. Its company already this prepared for the new war launched in the market? If the vine has few months practical of reduced prices minimizing its profits and in times bringing gargalos for the financial sector of its business. Imagines what the war of the P? s goes to make with many companies. The war of the P? s appeared of the union between commercializing products with reduced prices and of practical of stated periods strained. A war that starts adentrando the management of some businesses as faturamentos tool for conscription of new customers and greaters.
What it can happen with this? This new scene has made with that some entrepreneurs and managers forget the factor yield, which comes if transforming into equality or damage, mainly in the line of the commercialized promocionais products. A turn of sales of great representation in the final addition of the monthly invoicing. ' ' How much bigger they will be these sales, greaters will be the accumulated damages! ' ' The company who not to keep organization in the accounts payable accounts receivable; well structuralized accounting; formatting of operative price condizente/and a healthful capital of turn; risk runs possible of suffers a financial collapse. The war of the two P? s is plus a cycle of commercial life in which we need to adjust itself. To study each process, limitations and necessities of the company for such, will be the best one taken of decision for the moment. They think about this. (Jnior Faj, Consultoria & Lecture,) (THEY ACQUIRE the BOOK RETAIL EXPERIENCIAL IN the SICILIANO OR FOR)