Stylistic Connection

The style adopted to subdivide lingvostilistiku and literary style. Lingvostilistika whose foundations were laid by C. Bally, compares the national standards to the particular characteristic of the different areas communication subsystems, called functional styles and dialects (lingvostilistika in this narrow sense is called a functional stylistics), and examines the elements of language in terms of their ability to express and produce emotions, associations, and additional assessment. Rapidly developing branch of comparative stylistics stylistics is parallel to but considering the stylistic features of two or more languages. Literary stylistics examines the totality of means of artistic expression characteristic of the literary product of, the author, literary movement or an era, and the factors that affect Art of Fine you. LingvoS.

and divided by levels lit.S on the lexical, grammatical and phonetic styles-stick. Lexical stylistic vocabulary, studies stil.funktsii examines the interaction of direct and ne-renosnyh values. Leks.stilistika studying different components of the contextual meanings of words, their ex-depressive, emotional and evaluative potential and their relatedness to different functional-stylistic layers. Dialectal words, terms, slang words and colloquial words and expressions, Neolithic, gizmo, archaisms, foreign words, etc. studied with t.zr. their interaction with different conditions of context-hundred. An important role in the stylistic analysis is analysis of phraseological units and proverbs.

Grammatical style is divided into morphological and syntactic. Morf.stilistika considering the stylistic possibilities of different grammatical categories, inherent-ing in some parts of speech. Here we consider, for example, the stylistic features of the category, the oppositions in the system of pronouns, nominal and verbal styles of speech, communication arts and grammar time, etc. Explores the expressive possibilities Sint.stilistika word order, ti-Brokers offer, types of syntactic communication. The important place occupied by figures of speech here - syntactic, stylistic or rhetorical figures, ie particular syntactic construction, giving speeches dobavoch-ing expression. As in the lingo. And a lot of attention lit.S various forms of voice of the narrator and characters: the dialogue double indirect discourse, the stream of consciousness, etc. Fonostilistika or phonetic style, includes all the phenomena of sound organization of poetry and prose: the rhythm, alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme, assonance, etc. - In connection with the problem content-STI audio form, ie availability of stylistic features. This will include consideration of non-standard pronunciation with a comic satire come to show the effect of social inequality or for the setting up of local color. Practical stylistics teaching ability properly expressed. Advises using the words, the values for x-we know. Do not overuse words such as staff, to avoid Fr. words (faux-pas rather than mistake), tautology (decline to accept). Teaches correctly contact with the language. Everything must be used according to the occasion. Functional stylistics examines style as fun.raznovidnost language, especially in hud.tekste. Communication style to the ancient disciplines: - literary criticism (the study of content) - semiotics (the text - a system of signs can be read differently characters) Eco, Lotman - pragmatics (study effect) - Sociolinguistics (selection, in contrast to the situation of communication, status communication, attitudes)