Tag Archives: administration and businesses

Today in the world contemporary the organizations come having difficulty in itself to adapt in the new changes, the market not only demands in new technologies and also new techniques to manage. It exists a competition incited in the conquest of marked, companies searching new routes methods to gain the success and to reach its objectives. Plus this she will only be possible if they to change the focus for improvements continue innovations, products, customer and finally the profit, the company who not to establish this goal consequently will close the doors. The management consists of manages, direction and control of the company publish or private with or without lucrative ends. To analyze and to evaluate the objectives of the organization being mounted a strategical one thus aiming at the reach of the goals. As N3OBREGA (2004) to manage or to make the management is to become productive & lsquo; & rsquo; saberes& rsquo; of some fields of the knowledge and, thus to generate a result. The administration takes care of of the part of the human resources, financial and material congregated in organized, dynamic units with the focus in the reach of the objectives of the organization, also providing satisfaction those that get the product and services and the ones that execute the work. The manager must not only know the company more yes the way in which it this located, in this way it will only be able to tacar goals and strategies to reach the objectives. We pass now to a subject that to the times is forgotten, being ones of the tool of extreme importance for the success of any company, & lsquo; & rsquo; ORGANIZACIONAL& DIAGNOSIS; rsquo; & rsquo; to identify internal and external problems and decides them with effectiveness is difficult task for many organizations nowadays, they appears is passed by disregarded. All the one sectors necessary organization of specific cares to execute its functions, always appears problems in these areas, the sector of RH, Production, administrative and in others, if the same ones will not be decided the company can have enormous losses financially or even though in the credibility.

Retailers. Its company already this prepared for the new war launched in the market? If the vine has few months practical of reduced prices minimizing its profits and in times bringing gargalos for the financial sector of its business. Imagines what the war of the P? s goes to make with many companies. The war of the P? s appeared of the union between commercializing products with reduced prices and of practical of stated periods strained. A war that starts adentrando the management of some businesses as faturamentos tool for conscription of new customers and greaters.

What it can happen with this? This new scene has made with that some entrepreneurs and managers forget the factor yield, which comes if transforming into equality or damage, mainly in the line of the commercialized promocionais products. A turn of sales of great representation in the final addition of the monthly invoicing. ' ' How much bigger they will be these sales, greaters will be the accumulated damages! ' ' The company who not to keep organization in the accounts payable accounts receivable; well structuralized accounting; formatting of operative price condizente/and a healthful capital of turn; risk runs possible of suffers a financial collapse. The war of the two P? s is plus a cycle of commercial life in which we need to adjust itself. To study each process, limitations and necessities of the company for such, will be the best one taken of decision for the moment. They think about this. (Jnior Faj, Consultoria & Lecture,) (THEY ACQUIRE the BOOK RETAIL EXPERIENCIAL IN the SICILIANO OR FOR)

(FERRAO, 2009) With effect, it is understood that the politics of management adopted for the person from de state of espirito santo government points with respect to a new way, creating a culture of valuation of the knowledge and motivation of the server come back toward a social learning, ornando efficient the public administration in fact, efficient effective. The results show start it and that it has to earn she is all the society. 9. FINAL CONSIDERAES After the accomplishment of the studies, were possible to notice that the Administration of Human resources comes if becoming practical one of great importance for the healthy development and of success, either in public or private organizations. This practical makes possible a management model that values the serving collaborator, giving elements to it so that it carries through its activities with satisfaction and sights to the growth next to the organizacionais objectives.

The main idea of the related study was to analyze the public organizations in what it is referred to the motivation and the management of the knowledge of the server. It is important to emphasize the new models of management that are being used in the public sphere, allowing to face the incapacity that if established in the State in taking care of to ace demands of the society, wants either in the quality or the amount of the given services. Inside of this perspective, the necessity becomes significant of if to think the benefits offered for motivation instruments and management of the knowledge. These instruments assume a role of essential character for one better functionality of the daily activities, many of the dull and exhausting times, what it causes a feeling of loss of heart and disinterest. Of this form, directed actions are justified the practical motivacionais, with objective to become the work most attractive, beyond valuing the professionals who are so important inside of the organizations, also in the public environment, where practical with these rare parameters they are e, when existing, fragile and inconsistentes. In the analysis on these new models of management, it is excellent to notice the paper of private prominence to the servers and the process of reinforcement and increase of its proportionate autonomy for the valuation of its work through

INTRODUCTION the present article is treated on a Work of Conclusion of the Course of Design de Mveis, referring to the project of an infantile pedagogical table that assists in the learning since the phase of initiation to the pertaining to school life. The choice of the subject was possible thanks to the existing infantile movable comment in the schools. It was observed that these do not possess concern in stimulating the interest of the child in studying, not getting distinguishing in what it says respect to the aesthetic and symbolic aspects. It is common to find mobile infantile that takes care of essentially only to basic the functional requirements of a furniture, being worried in reducing the size and taking care of the main practical function, that is to support objects. In recent years the infantile user only comes if benefiting with the interest on the part of the architects and designers in the infantile acquisition of sociology knowledge, psychology and ergonomics with the objective to take care of the real necessities of the children.

The child in initiation phase pertaining to school needs a special attention. It needs to feel itself made familiar to the environment pertaining to school and attracted by this, in way that can be stimulated to learn, relating the environment of pleasant and beneficial study with something for it. Thinking about this, it was arrived proposal to project and to develop an infantile pedagogical table, that was aesthetic attractive and ergonomically comfortable for the children, being possessed interesting format, showy colors and was a differentiated product, with the intention to influence positively in the learning of the child. METHODOLOGY the methodology of the present article consists of: concept on infantile development, in the age enters the 4 6 years, infantile learning, importance of playing, research of field, survey of the necessities and archetype.

The infestantes had constituted, since the primrdios of agriculture tie to our days, concern of the seen Man to be responsible for the reduction of the productions of the cultures, today aggravated for impressive demographic increase world-wide e, therefore, for the constant food search. The infestantes provoke damages under diverse forms: in the cultivated fields it is necessary to invest - one high one I am numbered of hours in cultural operations for its containment or eradication. Only in the United States, the losses provoked for the infestantes had been esteem in 5 a thousand million dollar, value that is only surpassed by losses caused for the erosion of the ground in those Parents. On the other hand, it is calculated that 16% of the value of the harvests if must the cultural operations. The half of the necessary work must the infestantes gifts and, therefore, in each hectare of cultivated land they are lost, only in time, 8% of the value of the production (Young chicken, 2008). In our Parents, he has not been few the efforts in the direction of if placing Agriculture in a level where it can satisfy the necessities alimentary of the populations. In this context, study of the infestantes it appears as plus a necessary, imperious effort until, visa to be able to supply indispensable elements of base to the job multicriteria of cultural techniques that lead to the increase, for unit of surface, of the agricultural productions, particularly the pesticide use that if it justifies in the great extensions of cultivated lands had the scarcity of hand of resultant workmanship of the agricultural exodus and the morosidade of monda and/or sacha manual, more accented in great areas. The work of study of the main infestantes in the main cultures of Angola, constitutes a starting point for future works of gnero in other cultures.

The agreement on the Quality of Life and the work took the great changes and innovations, the worker left of being enslaved to participate in the best possible way of the society. The difficulties with the occupational health had together with come the industrial growth and the technology by means of many working fights and through the laws to change the vision of the work that stops much age sacrifice, something laborious. The Programs of Quality of Life in the Work had come to change this vision of discomfort that was the work improving the health and preventing illnesses, and with it not only came the participation of the workers but also of the employer, director, leader and in general command and together some on professionals to area of the health of the work earning space, Therefore with the necessity of the companies if to become more competitive in the market came to the incessant search of the total quality. Following this total quality also the QVT appeared, that is focused in the human potential and the way that coexists in all the directions. An adequate program of QVT searchs an organization humanizada and provides conditions of personal development to the individual. Words keys: Motivation human being, Quality of life in the work, Questions human beings. INTRODUCTION Currently each time more is observed that the condition human being in the work becomes one of the concerns of the managers and the quality of life of the diligent one passes to be dealt with bigger zeal in the organizations.

Seated in my table of work, full monday, I obtain to visualize all the more employee production functioning, employees and of the production in its ranks of work making the products waited for our customers. In my front, a pretty plate with my name on and writing under: ' ' Manager of the Qualidade' '. Soon they come me to the mind a phrase of guru Ishikawa: ' ' Better to have controlling with quality of what controlling of qualidade' '. I enter in conflict. ' ' Which my importance to help my company in the search of the quality? I am only one cost more? ' ' I that I worked my entire life in this area! But to this it makes me reflection to think: what it would be if did not have, we, of the Quality? What we really add of value? Quality is an intrinsic term to a product or bought service, almost always proportional to the paid price, that is, how much bigger the product quality, how much and better more efficient the given service, in such a way bigger .o price.

However, inside of the companies she is not so simple this mensurao, this why (and this metaphor is mine), the companies are as organisms livings creature! A company imagines as a cell, with all the functions, each organela cannot simply be removed at random. Thus she is a company, all contribute for the final objective, the complete satisfaction of the customer, the encantamento of the customer and everything more, that she returns with more and more order and the company gains more and more customers. To take off a sector or a process is to desestabilizar all the system being made it to enter in collapse. Inside of this mental exercise, for terms a quality that searchs the perfection, and returning to gurus of the quality, we teriamos that to have the robustecimento of the product, in order that any possible imperfection of the process did not make the lesser difference in the product or the customer it did not perceive (theory of Taguchi), the incessant search for the zero defect and of the zero error (theory of Crosby), but without leaving to remember the 14 principles of Deming, the PDCA, the importance of Ishikawa, Walter Shewart.ufa! until arriving in the Lean modern 6 Sigma.

CONCLUSION ' ' Today the sistmico thought is more necessary of what never, therefore in them we more become each time ahead abandoned of as much complexidade' ' (SENGE, 1990). The analysis of the data, points that the participants demonstrate one high degree of satisfaction. Considering all the evaluated item, of the characteristic satisfaction, the average degree of satisfaction was in 81%, however the 0 variable of satisfaction with the career, the environment of work, position/function and growth demonstrate an average degree of 72,5% satisfaction, what it leads to conclude that the degree of general satisfaction is very good, however the individuals present a less optimistical evaluation in relation to the four last cited 0 variable previously, what allows to conclude that the employees of the located financial institutions in the city of Gravata wait more in relation the workstation, position or function and growth and career, however like it banking work as a whole. With regard to the programs of quality of life in the work, the gotten results lead to the conclusion of that some institutions not yet present programs QVT for its employees or they do not divulge them, since 15.3% of the participants had declared not to have knowledge of activities come back to this end in its workstations. Between that they had answered to possess knowledge of the programs, only 52% are demonstrated satisfied with results and satisfied 53% in a general way with the presented programs. These information indicate that programs QVT in the financial institutions come contributing in bashful way for the maintenance of the quality of life diligent them, front the pressure for results imposed. However, the agreement of the concept of quality of life, on the part of the employees is also a lack. In accordance with the collected data can be observed that the activities developed for the institutions, in the search of to make possible one better quality of life in the work for the employees, is diverse, however can be concluded that the carried through activities more are the labor gymnastics and the express massage and that, perhaps, these is not considered by the collaborators as being action effective for the improvement of the QVT.

The test of the success of memes is in programs of TV that uses the expression ' ' #ficadica' ' , with the same syntax of the Twitter, or in propagandas inspired by videos as ' ' Double Rainbow' ' ' ' David After Dentist' '. ' ' Already a great penetration exists very of what it appears in 4chan and what goes to stop in the global culture pop. We are a base of creation even of grias' ' , it affirms. it knows more Brazilian Encyclopedia goes to show origin of ' memes' of the Creative Internet of trot in web and person who commits barratry they enter in list of the 100 more influential ' ' moot' ' it prevents to place itself above of the site that it created when he had only 15 years. ' ' I am not influential, 4chan ' ' , he affirms Poole, elect in 2008 in popular voting in the magazine Teams as the person most important of the year. The voting, clearly, was adulterated by participants of 4chan. Per many years, the young one if kept in the anonymity, exactly when the site already started to blunt in periodicals and the TV as the point of meeting of the activists hackers of the group ' ' Anonymous' '.

Poole does not believe that it has merit - or it blames - for the sprouting of the movement that in recent years faced governments and companies in the Internet. ' ' Yes, the origins of ' Anonymous' they can be traced until 4chan, but I directly do not see as therefore. ' responsible; ' Nyancat: mixado, remixado and introducing of time in ' mainstream' (Photo: Reproduction) This separation goes of meeting with the vision of the American on the right of if keeping in the anonymity in the Internet, fought currently for giants as Google and Facebook. ' ' The people they deserve to have the right to the anonymity, case they choose to remain thus. Clearly, a half term must exist enters the impossibility of if identitificar the author of an offence, for example, and the constant identification and needs, as in the Facebook.

She would like that the people tried to understand that she is possible to live in this way of the way, instead of defending one extremo.' ' Poole still criticized the censorship in the net, subject that came back to the guideline later that premi British David Cameron suggested that the Facebook and the services of message of Blackberry were disactivated temporarily to contain the recent wave of protests in the country. ' ' It is a step stops backwards, and a dull way to deal with the freedom in the net. In San Francisco, the cellular ones had tried to block the access to prevent a manifestation in the system of suburban trains. What it happened? The manifestation to protest against the blockade finished being bigger that the original protest. It is good for seeing that the people if defend of these aes.' '

& ldquo; Cooperative is an independent association of people who if join, voluntarily, to satisfy economic, social and cultural aspirations and necessities common, by means of an enterprise of collective property and democratically gerido.& ldquo; SEBRAE (2008). Generally, cooperative has intention to commercialize all the production and insumos and to take care of to all the fiscal area, since the association cannot make this work of commercialization. The Cooperative is the link between the producer and the purchaser bringing I obtain the guarantee of the payment. The producers receive better prices and services where the cooperative acts. 2,3 Governmental supports Recently, promising initiatives had appeared of formation of cooperatives of milk captation in the State of the Bahia. This newness generates in the sector the expectation of that the cooperativista system comes if to more fortify each time in the region.

A way to fortify the state milky system was the creation in 1983 of the Company of Development and Ao Regional (CAR), tied with the development and regional Integration of the state of the Bahia. With the objective to make possible the captation of the resources necessary to the implementation of regional programs and to promote regional and municipal the development, with intention to support cooperatives, associations organizations of producers. According to ZOCAL, 2005: The cattle one of national milk at the beginning suffered great transformations from years 90, being the main causes pointed with respect to these changes the deregulation of the milk market to break de1991, amaior opening of the economy for the international market, in special, the creation of the Mercosul and the stabilization of prices of the Brazilian economy. From 2005, one expects that new changes happen with the implementation of Normative Instruction 51, that it establishes the new regulations technician of production, conservation and transport of milk. In relation to this, we can detach the paper of the government around the well biggest one that is the incentive the international production local, partnerships and the improvement in the quality, changes that they are transforming Brazil into a great milk producer, and with this taking the regions Southeastern, with Minas Gerais and So Paulo, South, with Santa Catarina and Rio Grande Do Sul, and Northeast, with Bahia, enters others, the very high platforms of production the national level.