Tag Archives: business

What they do, that would reduce sales? Draw up the documents, as convenient to them, not customers. Example: Try to arrange the return of the client. It is possible for the accounting department, with its accounting policy, it is difficult re-enroll at the balance has shipped goods. But for someone running a company? For the client, or accounting. Falling sales? If you refused to accept the return with the words "and we do not hold a book-keeping." WHO true culprit Decline in sales? Finance marketing activities, as is convenient for Fin. statements.

It's no secret that marketing efforts for clients related to the mass of material incentives. Prizes, gifts, travel and etc. All this costs money and therefore be in accounting. Conduct is difficult. But this does not mean that it will pay for the client. Example: Wholesale company held amongst its clients marketing share.

At growth purchase, customers have participated in the contest. For winning the contest prizes were. Kettles, microwave ovens, etc. The process of transferring these prizes are so delayed that the whole effect of the event was ruined. Why? Kettles, microwaves are not good for the profile of this company, have difficulties with balance transfer to, and then holding and removal from the balance sheet as gifts. Sales go down? WHO true culprit sales slump? Total savings funds. Example: The company has extensive price list. Fat lot of page magazine, the cost of its production from 30 -50 rubles. And a wide network of clientele. Part of the customer "silent" until they do buy. However, freight forwarders and managers moving along the route, leaving the price for them. Thereby throwing, according to economists, 50 rubles to the wind. Reducing costs, Ch. Economist seeks ban the delivery price list, for those customers who do not make bookings. Begin if they ever fly? Falling sales? WHO true culprit sales slump?

Scalping - a strategy in the financial markets. The strategies of trade occupies an intermediate position between the HFT (Hight Friqency Trading) and the action of trading. Blake Krikorian recognizes the significance of this. HFT - a high-frequency trading, that is committing the greatest possible number of transactions per unit time and taking the minimum possible profits - in many stock instruments such a force of only trading robot. Day trading involves the conclusion of transactions within the day with various strategies Opening and holding positions. Types of analysis to generate signals for opening and closing position in such trading style in abundance. The whole essence of the action trading comes down to profit-based price changes, with economic and psychological component. These changes are day traders are processed within a day and the vast majority of transactions on the next day do not carry over.

Between these different types of trading and is its place scalping. Below I will try to highlight its distinctive features. In this case, I note that in its pure form is difficult to meet the scalping. Typically practicing this approach traders at its base acquire a hybrid Scalping with elements of HFT and / or action of trading. Therefore, pre-shoot the issue of different interpretation of the definition of scalping - the aim of this paper is to show only its foundation. What is so remarkable for scalping, or Scalping even intraday-trading, as it is called by some American traders? So what are its strengths and weaknesses? Finally, someone will be close in spirit to this style of trading? Hopefully, a brief overview of the main properties of scalping, I can answer these questions.

" The doors usually do single-or two-wing, as well as swing and sliding. In the showcases, which are made of Medical Sciences (aluminum or steel) profiles often made of glass with thickness from 6 to 8 mm, Glass can be made semi, fully transparent and laminated film. There are many kinds of windows and of itself, as well as retail shelving, display cases are angled, hinged, take the island, for example, a cylindrical shape display, which provides an overview of the necessary goods from different points of view), wall. Provide extra storage will allow the windows, which are lockable, unlike commercial shelving. The newspapers mentioned JPMorgan not as a source, but as a related topic. Very often start to spread the model of trading of wall windows, which resembles a sideboard on legs, as such display is located at the bottom of a special device (cabinet) which is made of particleboard, it can be stored different stocks of goods, the upper part represents estesstvenno showcase itself, which is a different number of shelves for a product (mostly put on the shelves of 3 units and up to 7). Rear wall of the model showcases a mostly are made of particle board, glass or mirror also a great option, and the side walls are made mostly of the same material as particleboard or glass. Most often put on display only one lock (which locks only door windows, or drive) can also be set to showcase a few castles. On some windows, depending on their destination pose special lamps (the kit includes a transformer, power cord and connecting block) or put low-voltage integrated lamps, which need fixing additional lighting equipment is missing.

Investment value different from market perceptions of return on investment and the risk of their implementation. for example, an investor may want to make a profit on sale of investments in the business at a higher or lower level than the fold average market conditions return. The residual value is the price of the object estimate at which it can be sold for a period less time selling in the market conditions at the impact of emergency, forced to sell the subject being evaluated in non-market conditions. The law "On Joint Stock Companies", said that the company may be liquidated voluntarily or by court order. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sergey Brin has to say. Most often, the elimination is due to bankruptcy court decision, with the calculation of the liquidation value takes into account not only the gross proceeds from the sale of property, but also related to its receipt of the costs (expenses for the services of the bankruptcy trustee, legal, accounting and valuation firms). Thus, the liquidation value is the lowest limit value of the business. Cadastral value - market value of this object, and set approved in accordance with the law, which applies, inter alia, for tax purposes. In determining the business value is often used by forward-looking information, which is inherent inaccuracy, in addition, the success of the business associated with different risks that must be considered when assessing the (at-risk means the probability of a smaller income than investors expected, or uncertainty of future revenue and expenses). Read additional details here: Starbucks. Risks can be divided into macro and in-house.

For a small shop, where staff a bit, the phrase "personnel management" sounds awkward. While it's simple: you give them - the salary, they get you - work, and no time "bother" for such things. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jonas Samuelson. But you, as owner business, certainly intend to develop and, therefore, have to expand the staff. So, on issues of corporate culture, team unity, motivation to think about already seychas.Korporativnaya culture: what it depends on and how to create it? Corporate culture - is not only a uniform sales and branded bags with advertising, and not just gatherings on holidays, traditions and retold the legend of the store opening. All it - only the external manifestations of corporate culture.

And it is the basis of the ideas, values and purposes for which the business was created, and that - ideally - should be shared by all team members. Then, more efficient use your human resource people are given guidance of their behavior and actions - in other words, manage the store employees becomes easier. Corporate culture defines the store and style of communication customers, and employee behavior in different situations, increases motivation and loyalty of employees, the disclosure of their abilities, and, relatively speaking, educates and organizes them as necessary for your business. Aerobatics - when the value of your business through staff to hear customers and strengthen thus your position in the market, among many other stores. Actually, for this work and all the experts HR! Building a corporate culture of the store begins with a definition and understanding of the mission for which the band was formed: here is your inner philosophy, and external, aimed at consumers promises (in the future they will be reflected in the slogan, logo, advertising, etc.).

At a time when organizations look to optimize the resources of "intellectual capital" of its members, the implementation of proper training tools, training and professional development is essential to show the changes that confront us predict the future. It is in this chaotic and changing environment, where simulation games prove to be a good solution for those responsible for Human Resources. Simulate reality, or what would be the same, simulation games based business actually point the best solution for an ongoing process of revision, remodeling, and reformulation of the capabilities and needs required. Just as reality changes, the company changes, the game simulation of reality must adapt to these changes. 1 .- Introduction 2 .- Concept of business simulation game 3 .- What type of business simulation available? 4 .- What characteristics should play a simulation game for multifunctional use? 5 .- The simulations company are the ideal way to overcome barriers to learning 6 .- Where is the game, reality simulation, optimal? 7 .- 8 .- Information of interest References used simulation games based on reality, organizational development tool. 1 .- Introduction In an unstoppable process of study and research, in the direction of an exponential improvement, use of the capacities of individual human beings, who make up our organizations. In an environment in which a good part of the lexicon recently incorporated, mentoring, coaching, "knowledge management", "e-learning", "intellectual capital", etc. primary aim, channel or improve the implementation of what people "know" - you know, not knowing, of wisdom, not knowledge - it seems clear that there is widespread agreement that the processes of learning and improvement must pass to incorporate the different experiences and assimilate them as one's own life habits, so that the skills necessary for the performance of the various functions of the post that deals in the Organization, are natural and proper to the individual. . (Not to be confused with Innovar !).

That is taken involving the steps that you can effortlessly make today. When you start act, then you have expressed the intention and readiness to establish their case. But without the experience and connections you may not know exactly what the project will be successful and which fail. So you need to use your intuition, which unlike your mind knows what the project is successful and what steps one time or another can be done. Your task is to say "I want this and that's it" and start acting. And what exactly your goal is realized, it is not your problem. What will happen next and how to understand what exactly the project due to give all his time? You should closely monitor the external circumstances and events.

For example, you attempted to act in a certain direction, but you feel the resistance of the space. Can not find the information you need, do not take up the right person, always having some kind of obstacle. That is intuition tells you that you are here waiting for nothing. Can not abandon this project, but try to approach it from the other side. In any case, be flexible and listen to their inner feelings.

If you try to come to the realization of a particular business project is on one side or the other, and anywhere you are unsuccessful and the obstacles it is a clear sign that you are here to do nothing. But first you must pay attention not there, where you have obstacles, but rather where you are going wrong all by itself. Which one of your projects (and possibly not in one), you'll notice that the space is configured to welcoming you. You were surprised to find themselves without any effort relevant information, there are ways and means to implement this project, all as a matter goes to your hands. Everything runs smoothly and effortlessly. The key phrase here is "without much effort." If you have to make tremendous efforts, to step over themselves to deal with head wind, then it is definitely not your direction. The sooner you understand this, the more health and strength will save. I'm not saying that you do not have to sweat and work hard to successfully launch your business. But if you're moving in the right direction, you will work with pleasure. Favorite job, even if you do it all day, brings the energy, not takes it. And finally, to reiterate the key points. 1. Decide on a few nice for the soul of business projects. 2. Begin making small steps to check the direction in which the universe is ready to help you. 3. That project, which gives us the easiest to begin to implement. 4. Constantly listen to yourself and find such way of development, where everything is done "without much effort." 5. If you encounter an obstacle, do not try it break through, and take into account the message of our intuition and a slightly different direction, go around the obstacle. The main criteria you should use when creating their business, the following: "use your talents and abilities "," tips of the Universe, "" intuition, "" effortless "," not to deal with obstacles, "" listen to yourself, "" doing something that brings pleasure. " Listen to yourself, listen to your intuition, notice Hints of the universe, and your future business will bring you not just financial dividends, but the pleasure and enjoyment.

If you want to be rich to earn a lot, do not need every day to go to a stuffy office, until the night apart piles of invoices, contracts and other documentation. You can work from home on the computer and get a lot of money. The most popular online currency at the moment - it webmoney. In fact, money webmoney equivalent real money, thus paying them perhaps as a viable currency for goods, services, etc. They are a kind of non-cash calculation in the network.

Webmoney in Karaganda converted into real currency, bringing in the cash card and cashing through the ATM. Today electronic money harmonious part of the lives of today's man who wants to earn money online. Very often, service-webmoney you can find ads that Connect to the system of new towns, as well as the entire country. 'Vebmani in Karaganda, Kazakhstan webmoney' - reports of such content can be found on the web-portal, which is known to every modern user. So that, for example, cash webmoney in Kazakhstan, you need to register in the system and get a certificate webmoney. Sign up is easy, but with regard to certificate, here you have to remember that they can be a variety of levels. Get a Certificate webmoney is not difficult, since it is given at the time of registration.

First assigned to the certificate of the first level, then the user has opportunity to obtain personal certificate. Appraisal system is aimed at gradually expanding the ability of users to the system. In other words, the higher it is, the more control the money in webmoney. It is noteworthy that the use of monetary assets can be from their own and from loans. It is necessary to underline that the number of portals that accept payment in webmoney over the last year has increased by several times, which speaks about a sharp increasing popularity of online currency. Also, this trend has contributed to a small commission is charged upon the implementation of operations. You can pay, lend, transfer money, as you can hindrance to change currency. Similar operations are available when there is a personal certificate webmoney.

If you decide to go into business and open a jewelry store, then you very courageous and optimistic person, because to open a new business in times of crisis can only be confident in their abilities businessman. Nevertheless, let me give you some tips on how to choose a place for a jewelry store. Since the jewelry trade over the Internet for some time now banned, many jewelry online stores have reincarnated in jewelry online shop window, where you can choose the product, but that's to go after him - a commodity - all the same to be a jewelry store. Normal store. Physical. C address, the mailbox, roof, windows, doors, windows and sellers. Oh, and of course with the jewelry! Without them, the meaning of existence jewelry store fades and is lost.

Buyers today are spoiled and it is desirable that a jewelry store where you intend them to left their blood, was in more or less prestigious. Jewelry - it's not a bakery. In the jewelry store selling luxury goods. In the jewelry does not come every day if they do not work. Buying luxury goods emphasizes its status as a person, or at least entertains the thought that he, too, is part of the elite, if you can afford to buy jewelry. So let your customer feel like a king, if not, well at least blue-blooded prince and a shop in the city center in a beautiful building to march into your store can be attributed to the output of the light. If the most beautiful mansion in the city already occupied by another enterprising businessman, take a look closer to the outskirts of the city. Not to the suburbs, where the nights go bad wolves in the ear flaps and a balalaika, and to the residential districts in which your potential customers live.

That is, it must be an area with a sturdy houses and a pretty numerous foreign cars on the sidewalks. In the major cities in each region has its own "main street", that's it for this jewelry store is very out of place. If the neighborhood bank will be located, a large shopping center or office space rent - it's even better. In general, treat the choice of the location of the jewelry store with all the responsibility, to show ingenuity and creativity. This is the first step towards the success of your business.

Accounting outsourcing is now the market is not one or even ten companies. How to choose a company that is truly effective, and most importantly in a short time can perform tasks. All of this quite difficult in the absence of its own staff accountants. Reporting information about costs, profits and other other charges can be quite a strong influence on the operation of the company subject to errors in it which can dopuskatsya profane in this matter. Accounting requires a painstaking approach that can pohvastatsya few companies in the domestic market. In tax accounting, asset, which is not considered a major tool, refer to the actual inventory. According to the universal rule of price EMF, inserted in the material costs, pricing is oriented on the basis of their purchases, while taking into account the commission of retaliation, paid by the intermediary organizations, import duties and taxes, transportation costs and other costs associated with their purchase (Sec. 2, Art.

254 Tax Code). When you receive a wealth of free cost of buying the same zero. Specifically, because the Finance Ministry said, as if such price can not connect to the wealth of the costs, diminish the tax base according to tax revenue. In particular, these explanations have been provided by the Office of letter of 05.12.08 03-03-06/1/674. Consistent with our views, with Siim withdrawal allowed to debate. Fri 2 notes in 254 of the Tax Code provides a single pricing schedule for MPD, the rest of the wealth in the form of excesses found in During the inventory, and (or) the wealth gained in dismantling or demolition of decommissioned major funds, and even when repairing, upgrading, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, sample Elimination of the major funds. Price thereof have been used as a focused amount of earnings, discounted by the taxpayer in the schedule established by Fri 13 and 20, notes 250 of the Tax Code.