Tag Archives: History

In the movement of analysis of the verbal sources he is that historiadorpercebe the constructions and desconstrues of its searched object. He is with analytical essemovimento that the historian looks to new routes and multiple comregistros approaches of the memory, which, will serve it of evidence dasfontes written by the verbal sources and vice versa, aiming at the veracity dasinformaes, as he points THOMPSON (1992): Verbal history can certainly be a way of transformartanto content, as purpose of history. It can be used to modify oenfoque of proper history and to disclose new fields of inquiry; (...) to podedevolver to the people who had made and lived deeply history a basic place, by means of its proper words (P. 25). In such a way, the preconception of the refutado traditional historiografia, therefore, considers the verbal sources as documents only subsidiary epossuidores of low historical value.

However, although the indiscutvelcontribuio of the movement of annales in the desmistificao attempt dasfontes erected by the historiogrfica tradition, still lasts preconceitosacerca of verbal history as safe source in the search of the hisdtrica truth. According to BURKE (1992), this happens due following the problematic one: Paul Thompson suggested that the old professors gostamde not to learn new tricks and resists what they perceive to be an erosion of the posioespecial of the rankeano method. This can be truth, but I suspect of that hrazes deeper, and exactly strident. The historians live in sociedadesalfabetizadas e, as many of the inhabitants of such societies, unconsciously tend to disdain said word. It is the corollary denosso pride in writing and of our respect for the written word (P. 166). In the FREITAS workmanship (op. cit.), some enfoquesincisivos are presented with respect to the historical truth. In the bulge of it they textoem debate, perceives that the process of the knowledge, to arrive itself at the truth, is something unfinished and infinite.

The Governor Eduardo Fields and its comitiva had come to the Parnamirim in day 01 of July of 2009 stops the commemorations of the Centenarian of the city. In the occasion the Governor inaugurated CEPC (Centro Educacional Parnamirim Centenria) and verified As given of the relative IBGE to the economy and to the companies of Parnamirim, to buy some product, to effect sales, leisure and health, the inhabitants of this city, they opt in making them in the cities mainly: Petrolina, Ouricuri, Willow. The region Willow that engloba, beyond Parnamirim, the cities of Verdejante, Serrita, Are Jose of the Belmonte, Willow, Mirandiba and Cedro are requested by the proximity. However, to buy them of day-by-day, store for purchase and commercial sales of diverse products and some particular establishments for different areas of activities in the branch of the businesses meet. In the urban zone Hotels meet, Restaurants and Snack bars. Price, located to the Street Moiss Gonalves Rasp, 31 (center) and Lucilanches and meals, located has the Lesser Snack bar to the Street of Flag 38, (center). With reform constructions of the roads, as well as the movement of the transposition of the river San Francisco, some workmanships are being carried through in the region, bringing many people who work in these fronts of service, what she motivates the inhabitants who more than have a house, small farms and farms to change it agricultural zone and to place its urban property for location per seasons, while the workmanships last. In such a way they appear beyond the rent houses, the inns and hotels with significant movement. The Put Hotel is example of Inn and Restaurant specialized in Barbecue of bode, with lunch, has supper and snack, located to the side of the CEASA. Parnamirim counts today on 5 6 Hall, Gas stations of Beauty, 2 Pharmacy, 2 Supermarket, 6 Armarinhos, 8 Bars, 2 establishments of sales and equipment purchase for Cattle Agriculture and, 2 Sales of Automobiles and Vehicles, 1 Agency of the Bank of Brazil and a financier Nordestcred, 1 Lottery House (Lottery Dawn), 1 Church Catholic, the Matrix of Santana some evanglicas Churches of the Christian Congregation in Brazil.

The quarter received the name from its padroeira and a dedicated chapel to the saint was erected in the high one of a mount, around of which if they extend to its streets and side streets. The street Alexander Relative if connects perpendicularly with the streets that go directly of capelinha to the cathedral of Willow. Its rough relief forms a letter U, descends and going up the local mounts. 1.2.O man. The street was a homage made for Pink Chiquinho, proprietor of good part of the lands that had given origin to the quarter, to a trading friend, Alexander de a Cruz Relative, son of one of the families oldest of the city. Pitney Bowes has much to offer in this field.

The two, emergent ones, costumavam to participate at the time of parties. These parties occurred pejorativamente in a club called ' ' House of Farinha' ' because it accepted people of color, poor persons and women me the reputation. The house where the personage liveed, in the center of the city, in front of coreto of small square of the cathedral, still shelters members of its family. The faade possesss wide bricks very, being possible to seat comfortably in the central window. Two doors separate litigious sisters.

Of a side Natividades Owner lives, married a public officer pensioner. Of another one, only one corridor, part of the wall, bathroom and one room, survives Jovita Owner, bachelor. The house is separate for a half plaster wall. It is sultry and very hot in the two parts. Its inhabitants, aged, count a history of abandonment, conflicts and disillusionments. Natividades Relative was feirante in the public market of the city. In the end of the decade of 1980 pensioner was married a state collector. Limited intellectually, it was used by the clientelismo local and explored by the proper family. Possessor of real properties and financial despertou in the wife the dream to become leader it of the clan.

And in this If guided tour offers unique opportunities for learning their native land. On the Caucasian Mineral Waters promoter of the sport enthusiast, combining nature lovers of their native land was Rudolph R. Leytsinger. Today, when our nation is racing at breakneck speed into the unknown future, abandoning that effort and created the work of many enthusiasts for the benefit of the Fatherland is probably worth a moment stop and think whether all felt so bad yesterday? It may not be needed so disparagingly refer to the ideas of those who now, with a smile, call a 'queer'. Rudolph R. Leytsinger - a native of Switzerland, energetic entrepreneur.

He arrived in Russia and so in love with her, that not even thought about returning to his homeland. Leytsinger engaged device distilleries in Tambov, and then in Voronezh. In 1881, once in the Caucasus, R. Rudolph started his business, which brought him an impressive revenue and gave financial independence. Its relatively large capital R. Leytsinger ordered not quite normal. Moving on residence in Pyatigorsk (spent a lot of money on a device on the boulevard Teplosernoy street. Leytsingeru belongs to the idea of Pyatigorsk Company benefits to the poor, with tea and dining, as well as the Mutual Credit Society.

In 1898 he raised the issue of device tram in Pyatigorsk. The project was so good that it was almost entirely and implemented a few years. Pyatigorsk got a great transport, which remains the most convenient and today. Leytsinger also proposed to plant trees, hot mountain here to arrange a park with different pavilions.