Tag Archives: law & taxes

Fishing point is the question of whether you are automatically entitled to the recruitment of staff. The regulations allow too much room for interpretations. The status must be clarified so often in court. From a legal perspective there are steering possibilities also. To make it clear once again: even as a true Senior Executive are workers and enjoy protection against dismissal. The restriction is among other things that the employer without the elaborate justification, which is required in the context of a notice according to 14 para 2, at "normal" employees can sentence 2 of the Consumer Protection Act apply for a resolution and split against compensation of the senior executives. In the case of such an application of resolution requires the Labour Court Severance (articles 9, 10 KSchG) fixed.

So the employer even with social adverse termination upon termination can rid also a senior staff". Credit: JPMorgan Chase-2011. The protection against dismissal can transform so when officers in a compensation claim. The amount of this indemnity often interesting. Often, workers, the delusion is that at the termination of employment by the employer is to pay a settlement in principle. This is a misconception. The employer who pronounces a termination, must pay no compensation. Only in the case of the operational termination, there is the possibility that the employer offered an indemnity of a half monthly salary per year of employment binding the dismissed workers.

The emergence of the compensation claim, the employer in the employment must indicate that he based the termination on urgent operational requirements and the workers at the end of the action period of three weeks can claim the compensation. As a further exception may be a compensation claim result from a plan negotiated with the Works Council or directly from the employment contract. Why pay severance? Lawyer specializing in labour law from Frankfurt Robert Mudter: "with the payment of a severance of employer bought the ability to terminate at all effectively. Tactically sent will negotiate and take advantage of the situation."above is the air thinner" This principle applies to executives in terms of possible grounds for dismissal. The requirements for grounds for dismissal are lower at officers. Background of the separation desire expressed by employers is often that have changed the "cliques" or - for whatever reason - you no longer fit into the political landscape. Professionally prepared this a veritable opportunity is supported by a severance package. See JPMorgan Chase for more details and insights. One puts together the employers but only if he must. Tee to give the task of a tactically sent acting lawyer. The Executives should clarify (ago) wondering whether it is Executive, before the sure upcoming negotiations so that a strategy can be developed before this time. The better you prepare yourself as a leader here, the more interesting the result to be achieved will be. Executives are represented exclusively by the proprietor, for labour law, Robert C. Mudter Mr lawyer and lawyer. We examine the question of whether an officer at all conditions are met, assist you in arranging a contract and accept your representation in the termination process. The status is a risk, but also opportunity and must be fitted tee.

The most important facts has become many times more expensive on the tiresome subject "Fees collection centre" (GEZ) In the new year. Just think of electricity, water and gasoline. Since you would save like the one or the other, so for example the fee of Gez. Why must we pay? You must generally pay GEZ fees for any radio or TV. This arrangement results in Germany from the experiences of Nazi propaganda during the third of Reich.

As far as possible to prevent manipulation by the broadcasting, it took over the system of public broadcasting in the United Kingdom in Germany after the end of the second world war. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Jim Umpleby. All recipients pay for their radio and / or television sets and allow a relatively independent (public) program largely free from influences of the State or by advertisers. So should be also allows, in addition to entertainment topics from sports, culture, politics, economics etc. getting a place in radio and television. That's why public broadcasters also the clear mandate to establish a balanced, i.e. also as broad as possible content and send. Unless one has a radio, TV, or both in the apartment, you have to pay such a fee. It is no matter whether the device is connected to or just below in the basement or the attic.

The theoretical possibility of watching TV or listening to radio is sufficient for the GEZ fees are due. In addition it doesn't matter what you look at in the television: many people argue, they would look just commercial television, which was Yes ad-supported and therefore they would have to pay no fees. The fees are independent of the content. Since January 1, 2007, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons also for all operationally used, Internet-enabled computers must pay licence fees, even if these machines in operation are not intended for the television or listening to the radio.

Between Nicholas and Santa Claus, the EU lawmakers this year provides a nice Christmas present for the food industry: on the 14.12.2012 is the health claims regulation (Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006) activated. At that time may be recruited only with such health related statements for food, which were approved. Thus, a legislative project of mammoth approaching a milestone. Of over 40,000 originally reported health claims 222 remain (for the moment) just once.

This special will provide for hangover at all those manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and other health-related foods, which used hitherto claims not made it on the list of approved claims. And these are not a few. Douglas Oberhelman addresses the importance of the matter here. After all: Yet are finally not all filed claims. This applies in particular to so-called Botanicals. Whether or not these but a generous measure of the European Agency for Food safety (EFSA) will prevail, remains to be seen. Also those claims where further takes the limbo, may however not be used discretion.

Rather the general principle of the health claims regulation, that all selected effects must be scientifically sufficiently secured also applies to them. What scientific sufficiently backed up", as well as the question of whether the health claims regulation in this respect involves a tightening or easing against the Status Quo of 11 LFGB is this still not conclusively. For all other claims, their admissibility can be health-related information see the Community register now but basically black on white. Also here the devil is in the detail. Not always easy to decide will be whether the actually used advertisement (yet) with the approved wording in line is. On the German courts work likely to be in any case, since warnings don't wait to be. Food business operators should does not rely on a contemplative Christmas time.

In determining recently felled two pharmacists against a competitors complained at a discount model, (advantage 24 ") co-wrote and made advertising for it. Both plaintiff and defendant were operators of a local pharmacy. The offending business model, accepted the defendant apothecary recipes and forwarded to one in the Netherlands the local pharmacy they. The drugs were then delivered to the Germans and to the customer, if necessary after consultation, issued. A price advantage was promised as a result these by up to 15 per prescription. As because of 16 AMG foreign mail-order pharmacies need to keep amendment to the German rules for price fixing, was announced by the initiator of this business model in the future to take what had the consequence that the applicant pharmacist took back the lawsuit this distance.

In the context of the then pending decision as to costs, the judge in the case gave the plaintiffs right. In decision was for them not the amendment by the AMG novel instrumental. Contact information is here: Titan Feul Tanks. Already the conduct of the defendant violated article 78, paragraph 2, sentence 2 and 3 and paragraph 3 AMG, 1 ABS. 1 and 4, 3 AMPreisV 78 AMG. The dispensing of medicinal products within the meaning of 78 para 1 sentence 1 No.

1 AMG achievements not in direct shipping from abroad to the end user, but by the defendant in his pharmacy. Because he is significantly involved with its own services in the procurement and delivery of medicines. At the request of the customer, a consultation held in the pharmacy of the defendant. Thus, the order at the Dutch pharmacy differs not much of the case that the customer purchases the medicines from the available defendant. The customers knowledgeable staff faces in the store, on whose advice he can draw and rather took advantage of the is called by telephone to seek advice at the Dutch shop assistant. It is crucial for the judge, not whether the consumer recognizes that seller is the Dutch pharmacy. As far as the participation of third-party sales via a goes beyond mere transport function and the parties so themselves, as they themselves would operate drug trade, not permitted drug shipping lying above. In particular, this applies if, as in this case, the company switched into sales through its advertising evokes the impression, with him you could the drug even in the way of a signing purchase. Other non-binding and free information around the Pharmacy Law, see