Tag Archives: seo

For example you have a website, and you're a long time working on that would increase his popularity in the issuance of Yandex and other search engines. Here you have 100 visitors a day and a thought about earnings on its website. Most young Webmaster begin immediately to look for affiliate programs to advertise on the site for which he paid. Yes, a webmaster will this make any money. But it soon begins to fall indexing, issuing a Yasha in other search engines will drop sharply, and some even disappear.

Many will wonder - why? And the answer is simple - all because of advertising. Whether it's ppc or teaser, but still very fond of placing pop-up banners, the so-called popap window After placing ads on your site, few looks that it is broadcast. And if you look there are sites such as adalt subjects. You say that put a check on the prohibition of such subjects, but there is not always administrators have time to weed out such references from their companions, and they are fun to broadcast on your site. And when the robot Yasha or another search engine comes to your site, it scans all of this and takes a note of lowering Rating Thus the type of search engines are struggling with pornography And yet you're lucky if your site does not fall into the black list And this kind of advertising, how to use popUp or popUnder windows generally block indexing of the site - at best reduce, but this rare