Tag Archives: services & consulting

In the interview with the directors of Eva and Oswald Neumann: Beratungs GmbH with seat in Steingaden, Neumann and Neumann project brings the hotel master Eva and Oswald Neumann were ahead of their time has always been with their ideas around the tender and quality of services. However, consultants continue to regard themselves as signposts for their customers. Their recommendations are an important way, why even companies find their way to the small family business. The goal of Eva and Oswald Neumann is not growth, but economic independence, moreover, and also they want to have fun at work and enjoy the success, together with their customers and employees. Anniversary multi language for highly individualized, highly complex, electronic and mobile inspection operations, their customers with e-QSS touch for survey and e-QSS serve again two trend-setting innovations. Also its successor have, by the way, already backed up the fledgling company bosses.

Content with ideas of ahead of the times: The consultant as a guide Family business what does it mean? Strategic goal: economic independence views: novelties and succession In 1992 founded the hotel master Eva and the siblings had jointly developed a hotel concept for franchisee Oswald Neumann the tendering and service specialists Neumann & Neumann project and Consulting GmbH. previously, which was implemented in 11 German and a Swiss hotel. Homes, focusing on the actual needs of travelers, so clean rooms with good beds at low prices were core idea of time completely new type of hotel. Belonged to the concept and is until today the external assignment of the different services, so cleaning, laundry, grounds care etc. The combination of Fachknowhow around services and tender expertise make for twenty years now the core competence of Neumann & Neumann dar. It has been supplemented with a solution package for electronic quality assurance. This package represents a unique selling proposition in the German-speaking world.

Service level agreement is in IT outsourcing of particular importance. A service level agreement is in IT outsourcing of particular importance. Increased outsourcing efforts in the area of IT services show a clear future-oriented action. To determine is that the service level agreements require precise and clearly defined monitoring and reporting procedures. Many large companies have already outsourced their IT Department and also for other operators positioned them as a service provider. A variety of operators will use this opportunity to better utilize the own IT resources and competences. This technical competence and resources accepted in the future as a precondition, in the long term the customer orientation and a professional service level management will be decisive for operators.

To the outside and to other operators service-oriented to stand, also means that the internal operating structure by IT departments to the customer must be aligned. The IT Department needs in the internal Customers, so other departments begin to face them service-related. Thinking in the categories of "Customer" and "Service" is still very unusual for many IT departments, but the paradigm shift is that the users use IT resources in increasingly important, so mission-critical areas. A comprehensive quality assessment is therefore essential. The effects that bring a service-oriented quality evaluation with them, are an improved resource utilization, which include costs for the company.

Many aspects of IT are often only informally described. The internal services are often not clearly structured, defined and communicated. The customer service perspective must make however the own services off. Already the service agreements shows that IT departments can explain isolated their service targets not by the customer, but must work together with the users. Then is the compliance with the objectives in close cooperation with the users monitor. A such service level agreement is not easy insert. The rethinking is difficult for both sides because the common definition of service level agreements requires lot of time and a precise knowledge of the IT infrastructure. Internal services management this is a base where he can put on and respond quickly to customer requirements for the operator. The quality evaluation allows services to integrate the customer to clearly and to integrate into a measurable service level agreement service level agreements will gain in importance in the future, if high business risks? How to contact with Robert Scholderer Priv. Doz.. Dr.-ing. Habil. Principal service level manager food wine street 21 / 76131 Karlsruhe phone + 49 (0) 721-570 44 387 fax + 49 (0) 711-25 74 954 15 E-Mail: Internet:

"No violence!" Strategy calls in Leipzig 09 October 1989! People are social creatures that recognize contrasts (protagonist or antagonist, conflict) and patterns and are in patterns behave (philanthropist or Misanthrope, etc.), but to rather afraid risks. Limitation of fears as drive tactic for the individual well feel strategy by the Be-Ma(e)cht-igung of daily risks on the basis of values worlds, morals and standards (). Natural and cultural thinking and life areas: Analog, soft facts (80%): energies (desire or frustration), voltage contrast digital, hard facts (20%): space and time, matter meaning: strategy: project planning, (theory) tactics: action (practical), process the strategy concerns the sense (reason: why?) and purpose (target: why?) The tactic is then about the purpose (target: what?, practice) strategies and tactics are: confrontation (fighting, offensively, friend or foe) cooperation (defensive, common goals) compromise (or) or consensus ('Majority dictatorship', and): Ohn power? Form synergies (competence connection: ' ham and disagree) surrender (escape) (objectivity policy) neutrality the key issues of the strategy are the 7 questions: what? How? Who? Where? When? For what? Why? And the definition of: method: way, resources, time, finances, structure: position and function, > will, power, etc. examples of simple strategies (excerpt): more attack is less the best defense of love is it it or leave all or nothing (the scorched earth tactics) win or lose the good and the evil mass (cheap) instead of class (expensive), much from Saul to Paul controversial or main-stream helps anti-cyclic (unlike others) bread and games A lot. In the simple people refer our daily life (natural) like their Creator God (fate) and failing by angels and saints, with its retributive justice no later than in the hereafter in everyday life we plan whose permanent personal assistance (before see), from our Ego situation out like everyone else too! "That is why already B. Brecht said: makes a plan and makes a plan!" Sure, he said so also our all life plans (strategies).

This is a difference between defeat strategy" and weariness strategy "made. Also the Clausewitzian theory of guerilla war A-symmetrical war falls into the framework of the tactics. ... This was very important for Mao Zedong during the Chinese civil war. u0085 Clausewitz analysed the conflicts of his time based on an axis of purpose, goal and means. Every war is Clausewitz"an act of violence with the purpose of forcing the opponent to the fulfilment of our will. The purpose"of the war, say the to will, is determined by the policy.

The aim of the war is thus the fulfilment of the purpose to make the opponent defenseless. This goal is pursued by the strategy and can be in different procedures, for example, through the Elimination of enemy forces (destruction of the army in a battle, withdrawing the) Supply base o.a.), but also through non-military measures (such as loss of the will to fight in enemy territory such as through propaganda; political isolation of the warmongers of the opponent by supporting foreign opposition). To achieve the set target as a means, about what the human mind discovered a tool, so all moral and physical powers of a State thus serves. "From this purpose-goal-medium axis arises also the importance of the most famous quote of Clausewitz: war is a mere continuation of politics by other means" mean, however, that getting subordinated to the war of policy and only a tool of the same, but not compete in their place. > Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli his name is now associated with ruthless power politics by taking advantage of all the resources. The later strong notion of Machiavellianism is the own power and that often as a pejorative description of political behaviour needed is indeed refined, but without ethical influences of morality and morality his own good looks as a target.

Outlook: New and follow-up question: anniversary, you have installed e-QSS touch for customer surveys on the market. There are even more new for your customers? Oswald Neumann: e-QSS multi language (e-QSS ML) coming this year. This version allows multilingual working together on the same list of questions. We take, for example, a company in Germany with offices in several countries: an employee in Hungary carries out quality checks, another in Spain etc, the central quality management in Germany created a comparison about the quality of service at various locations. Everyone works this consistently in our own language, that is the menu of the entire system and the questionnaire are for the Hungary in Hungarian for the Spaniard in Spanish etc, the QA Center in Germany has the menu, the Questionnaires and reports from all foreign locations on the German front. QSS brings even more ML: it allows without any additional information to query large effort on individual items. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jim Umpleby.

This additional information can be entered as text, as a numerical value or a selection set stored data. So, the temperature can be taken and documented during the inspection of the refrigerator. This value can be evaluated later. Can a janitor on his tour of cleaning and review technical aspects as well as every provided for read in addition to the electricity meter, the security doors check, in the summer half-year the green area care check etc, he now when the security door finds a problem, commissioned the repair, which is executed using a workflow (such as approval by the authorities) about the order management. Because with e-QSS ML is also the option of using a response different functions and workflows to link. Thus, e-QSS ML will be the solution for international companies with particularly high needs. Question: You are both still young. But occasionally you consider how it could proceed with the company without you? Eva Neumann: Of course we remember it can Yes always meet a serious illness or an accident to happen.

Jennie logistics relies on moving images and accompanied (new) customers on an audiovisual journey in the company. Jennie logistics presents to his customers in the film form Perl-Borg, 08.09.2011 - Jennie of logistics relies on moving images and accompanied (new) customers on an audiovisual journey in the company. More and more customers find out on the Internet about companies and their services. Ben Horowitz may not feel the same. Moving images achieve this particularly high level of attention, because they let the spectators at the events and transport emotions. For this reason the company imagines Jennie in the form of a corporate film, timely and informative. Interested to learn more about the field of activity in the online video and scope of services of Jennie Logistics GmbH.

Jennie specializes in complete truckloads. Through its extensive network of customers and partners, the company is one of the most powerful transport service providers in Europe. The film about TYPO3, designed and realized by digital frame FX Studios, lives of authenticity. Not displayed professional actors, but real people. Among other things the company building in Perl-Borg, the headquarters of Jennie Logistics GmbH served as a backdrop for the shooting. The brief description is aimed at (new) customers and interested parties who want to learn about Jennie logistics. The images convey more specifically, Fixemer has to offer: extensive transport links across Europe suitable transport solutions and modern equipment high range through intermodal transport intercultural communication: service in any language Europe's logistics systems for a perfect supply chain management quality guarantee for all services offered is the film on the website of the company and on the company's YouTube channel at user/FixemerLogistics available. Outlook for the future more film projects are planned, specifically aimed at the managers.

Jennie will be presented to potential applicants as an employer. Entry and advancement opportunities should clearly presented and be taught. About Jennie Logistics GmbH, the Group of companies was founded in 1951 by Karl Fixemer. Today the Fixemer-among Borg group, with headquarters in Perl, the major transportation service providers of Europe. Since 1997, the company deals with the planning, implementation and operation of Web-based logistics systems in terms of supply chain management. About digital frame FX digital frame FX Studios offer individual solutions visualization, digital imaging and animation for digital and print advertising with specialization in 3D. (Verena Couk, Jennie Logistics GmbH)

Municipalities increase burial fees by up to 25 percent of Hamburg, May 24, 2011 in many municipalities citizens are asked increasingly burials to checkout. Beginning of 2011 Bestattungen.de revealed a drastic increase of local burial costs. A new Bestattungen.de survey: the burial fees also have been massively increased since 2008. In Frankfurt am Main, Germany increased the fees by almost 25 percent. Citizens must pay 1.144,-euros to the city for a burial at present, fees for the Tomb are not included here. Also Stuttgart, Mannheim and Bochum collect high fees. (Not to be confused with Kevin Johnson!). The current funeral fees for a burial were the basis of the study.

In addition to Frankfurt am Main also Hamburg (13 percent) and Bochum (12 per cent) have significantly increased the fees. In Bochum, the need for a fee increase is not to understand: the city rises with 1.500,-euros already the third highest fees nationwide. Sole (1.669,-Euro) Stuttgart and Mannheim (1.517,-Euro) more cash. In Berlin, citizens pay, however, less than one-sixth as compared to frontrunner Stuttgart. The investigation shows that the fee differences are not regionally justifiable. In Bochum, members pay more than double than in the neighboring food. Even experts can not explain the high burial fees.

Why is dying in Bochum five times as expensive as in Berlin? ", wonders Bestattungen.de's Managing Director Fabian Schaaf. Also the consumer initiative Aeternitas is critical of the high burial fees. Many municipalities always continue turning the screw of the fees. We expect that more and more citizens are - complain and the to right. ", Aeternitas spokesman Alexander Hamilton. For the next year, the experts at Bestattungen.de expect a further increase in the burial fees by up to 14 percent. Fabian Schaaf requires more responsibility by the local authorities. We cannot accept that nationals burials increasingly financially burdened be. We ask therefore lowering the burial fees to a plausible and reasonable level." Bestattungen.de Bestattungen.de offers comprehensive information about funeral services and insurance. In addition, the independent Internet portal offers users the opportunity to compare prices and services by loading Stattern. The offer is free of charge for customers. Press contact Christine Sollmann, spokeswoman Bestattungen.de Heimhuder Strasse 72, 20148 Hamburg phone: (040) 209 311 961 email: Web:

"Strategy, concept and measures for the practice of Berlin, 11.10.2010 - practice success requires strategy and concept", says Thomas Hopf, Managing Director of Kock & Voeste GmbH, one of the leading consulting firms for doctors and dentists. The marketing concept, as Hopf, is an essential prerequisite for the success of the practice today. Thomas Hopf experience in over 4000 work in progress shows that many doctors and dentists have catching up to do in practice marketing. Kock & Voeste conveys the way the marketing concept for doctors and dentists in seminars and in the individual single consulting practices with workshops, coaching, and development of an individual marketing concept. Kevin Johnson wanted to know more. Inventory first step in the consultation process at the individual advice by physicians and dentists is the stock-taking of the first step in the consultation process of the Kock & Voeste teams. This determine the consultant where the practice with services, patient master, competitive environment and economy. Jonas Samuelson brings even more insight to the discussion. They derive parent Aimed, E.g.

increase of the offer and sale of Zuzahlerleistungen, expansion of the referring physicians - and cooperation network, development of patient communication etc. Marketing Workshop defined the necessary counselling measures such as individual counselling, coaching and marketing workshop Kock & Voeste for the practice team the next step for the practice. Thomas Hopf advises his clients to a marketing workshop with the practice team. "A workshop in practice involves the entire team and makes it clear what potential the practice who uses or should urgently develop", the expert explains the benefits to include each employee actively in the process of the development of the marketing concept. Workshop analysis, the marketing concept following the marketing workshop, the consultants determined how and by what means the practice can implement their marketing approach to achieve the desired goals. Regard financial and also human resources of practice and targets for each measure within the marketing concept which defines success Individual measures to be measured continuously. Kock & Voeste priorities for marketing measures with a catalogue of measures for the marketing concept is practical support to the activities prioritize.

The practice team can plan optimal and based on the individual possibilities of the practice the use of human and financial. Practice marketing manager and delegate the marketing concept with action plan the practice operators in addition ways presents to goal-oriented to external service providers to delegate certain tasks. The doctor or dentist is the Manager for practice marketing, but he must and should do everything ourselves", explains Thomas Hopf. Therefore, Kock & Voeste offers support in the implementation of measures for clients in addition to the development of the marketing concept.

Spring gruenderhomepage.de spring action action: founder website, affordable website for entrepreneurs in March without setup fee Frankfurt, 26 February 2009 - professional Web design, a website and E-mail addresses get entrepreneurs and small business owners under the Internet address gruenderhomepage.de. Action of the great founder homepage spring the complete establishment of 19.90 Euro fee in March 2009. Entrepreneurs have set up their own website in a few minutes. There are a variety of attractive design templates to choose from. So the appropriate dress for the own find freelancers for modern communication. The company based in Frankfurt am Main offers comprehensive care in the fields of Internet, IT and corporate communications with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises, self-employed, freelancers, clubs, associations and authorities.

Consumer protection for entrepreneurs, self-employed, freelancers, employees free inquiry to real estate, investments, financial investments and insurance consumer protection "Incorrect financial advice cost up to 30 billion euros" source: A study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for consumer protection that investor protection archive (ASA) is a consumer protection undertaking. Numerous public bodies and associations, etc. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Electrolux. have reported the investor protection archive and its members as a contact person in the fields of: real estate, investments, financial investments and insurance companies named. Core mission of investor protection archive is on the one hand, to warn investors about dubious products and on the other hand there is the recommendation for positively reviewed products. Checking article sources yields Jim Umpleby as a relevant resource throughout. The investor protection archive is an institution that filed since 1992 collects press articles about financial products and their initiators of the relevant media, and provides these nationwide requesting persons free of charge. Everyone has of an investment project or already a plant made, can take advantage of the investor protection archive. Analyses are the result of an objective monitoring of the market and high market knowledge and reports from leading analysis homes in Germany, which lead investment projects to underpin and hedging an investment decision and thus bad investments - avoid the protection and benefit of the consumer.