The Career Portal Of The Suddeutsche Zeitung's career. Munich, September 15, 2009 - who initiated careers service could of the Suddeutsche Zeitung with its novel approach equal straight punk-ten and recorded since the start of the portal in July 2009 more than 20,000 regis centrated users. The Internet Portal allows direct contact to vacant professionals without going through recruitment companies. The concept of ( differs significantly from traditional online recruitment services. It is a completely new business portal. Differently than the traditional job boards, we focus on sustainable, perspective oriented recruitment\", Harald says Lenz, SZ Division Manager-recruiting market and head.

The project is designed as a tool for long-term career development. Thus, it meets the needs of the staff Planner just in the current economic climate. This shows the positive development of our user numbers\"Reaffirms Lenz. So there go to the ad-free Career portal not primarily to specific vacancies; rather the registrierten company can especially when employers present and distinguish. That significantly increase their opportunities in the candidate market. \"It applies strict equal treatment: all have the same appearance, whether large or small enterprises\", Harald emphasizes Lenz. Also soft skills and special qualities of a company (about work-life balance, family-friendly working conditions, etc.) can be present in addition to the hard facts (location, range of services, etc.) on a profile page.

The profile can be expanded multi-media with images or videos. Maximum data protection is of course guaranteed thereby\", affirms Lenz. Extreme efficiency: not long, immediately find a State of the art technology to ensure that company immediately find the top candidate for a position. It is based on the so-called matching procedure. At 26 attributes are according to a specially developed algorithm to use, on the basis of those qualified employees will be filtered out. The so-called FAST Search technology presented companies then promptly qualified employees that meet exactly the requirements profile.