The December

The best time to travel and travel - from 8 to 26 December. Try a good rest, especially since the end of the month to really important things are not expected, so you can relax a little. Capricorn in December, you can plan a trip 1 to December 10. There will be many pleasant surprises for you. It is very important to you and give full attention to their health and diet.

During this period, finally you can enjoy personal and family matters. Earlier this month, you should rely on friends and associates. Your karma requires you to a new year adopted a new program for life, refused to excessive egoism, selfishness. And the sooner you get rid of these inner qualities, the clearer, simpler and happier life becomes for you. At the end of the year in Capricorn will open prospects for finding a lasting social status. The December holidays will you mostly happy and harmonious.

AQUARIUS In early December, you're going to move up the career ladder, he reveals himself an experienced and very successful professional. This Month beneficial for new cases and strengthen your leadership. Complex cases can be easily solved, and new proposals will reflect what you've always dreamed of. Not to stay home and do not refuse an offer somewhere to escape, moreover, that the work should not be now for you too burdensome. You can also visit some interesting ideas, but the meeting could end the new friendship. But you have the danger easily be influenced by other people and participate in affairs that do not meet your true interests. End of the month you will be mostly quiet. Therefore, for you is the best time to travel. Especially favorable for this day, from 24 to 31 December. FISH In December, your personal and business relationships will become more important to you than family life. December to bring you the stability and harmony in a relationship with someone you love. By the end of the month offers a new business partnership, and if You will be able to correctly establish the relationship, it will bring you profit. According to the karmic program in December, you need to jump up on the social and professional ladder, and space will provide you with good opportunity for a bright and creative work. The whole month is favorable for travel and study, as well as love. In travel it is best to go from 8 to 26 December. Of all the clothes you choose what you like most and often wear. Increase self-confidence - the people for you to draw. New Year's advise to hold at home, in the company of family and friends.