Constancy excellence anonymous concerned does see as increasingly more universities, especially national ones, they have entered into a phase of debacle in academics, where in sight, a significant deterioration in academic excellence, training and training of its professionals, feels, especially those relating to economics, and technology. All this is detrimental, not only for professionals who graduate, but for the country, for the Government that is supposed to must have good professionals that help to develop economic, social, technical programs that has been proposed to perform. Increasingly noticeable, the deficiency in the training of professionals who are not formed according to the profile of the present demand, such is the case of administrators, economists, industrial relations, accountants, engineers, industrial, mechanical. There has been a neglect, lack of concern of the authorities of several national universities, evaluate, what should be the professional of these mentioned races, that are necessary to function successfully according to the requirements of the national stage, of the opportunities, threats, challenges, changes that arise constantly. Many writers such as Bank of America Merrill Lynch offer more in-depth analysis.
There is a feedback in the curriculum of these races, which take step to knowledge, tools that are necessary to guarantee optimum performance of the professionals who graduate. Many subjects, knowledge that do not correspond to the present, seriously affecting the learning of the professional who graduated are maintained. This certainly has been deteriorating academic excellence, besides that does not makes use of field research that contribute to the solution of many problems facing these races, especially in a Venezuela full of uncertainty, risk, threat, but also presented him opportunities to know them leverage can help academic excellence to rescue it. Looms much passivity in universities, very little commitment to the current reality, almost no manifests that proactivity that you need, the express opinions, participating dynamically before serious problems than political, economic, technical the country faces. It is regrettable, that crisis the world is facing, the low prices of oil, the insecurity, the national universities through the faculties of Economics, engineering, do not participate, do not give to know their points of view, in answer to this reality, giving it aso talent and contributing ideas, solutions that they benefit to the country.