Work Attitudes

In order to work by Internet, it is necessary, besides having the sufficient technical knowledge in a determined area, to know how to administer our tasks efficiently. If we did not dominate this aspect, our businesses will be condemned the failure. Points important exist to take into account to be able to work efficiently in line: Types of People Basically two types of people exist: the Reagents and the Proactive ones. Our objective will be always to be a Proactive person (that is to say, to propose the work, inducing to the action) and not to be Reactive (that is to say, to react before the external factors). We always must initiate our action, to bring about a reaction, and never the other way around.

The subject of the time Often tenth: " I do not have tiempo" , or " I need to time suficiente". That is False. In fact, the Time is the unique thing than we have safe form. Every day has 24 hours, as much for a student, a doctor or a worker of Internet. Therefore, the solution seems simple: To structure ours agenda of such way to realise most important and to little move, to delegate or to eliminate the tasks or nothing productive. In theory it is easy. The difficult thing appears we took when it to the practice and it becomes more difficult even though we are independent workers, and especially when we dedicated ourselves to work from our house.

To carry out businesses by Internet, often implies to work from the own home and this is really a true challenge since you can be set out to many distractions and interruptions. The Interruptions Studies exist that they indicate that to resume a task that was interrupted, it demands a time average of 20 minutes to obtain the same concentration. If we have people living with us, they must include/understand perfectly that we are carrying out important tasks and we do not have to be interrupted. The Distractions On the other hand, we must work without relaxing. Have open other programs that do not deport any benefit to us to which we are making is very counter-productive for our productivity. Indeed, not to have rigid schedules or heads whom they control to us are a great advantage, but on the other hand we must much more have control and responsibility on we ourself. We must acquire useful habits that day to day take to us to obtain our goals. Multitasks To make a thing per time is most advisable. If you realise " multitareas" you affect of negative way your productivity dividing your energies and surely you will have mediocre results in all of them. An excellent work is preferable, that many of little quality. Therefore we must focus simultaneously in a single activity. The surroundings of Work Another point important is to have an atmosphere of comfortable work. That will help us to feel us " giles" , obtaining the maximum degree of concentration. We must find our space adapted, with light, colors, ventilation, etc, that make feel as well as possible and arrange us to us to work of the best way. In this connection you have additional tricks to improve your yields in the businesses online: Tricks to multiply sales by Internet Original author and source of the article.