"Strategy, concept and measures for the practice of Berlin, 11.10.2010 - practice success requires strategy and concept", says Thomas Hopf, Managing Director of Kock & Voeste GmbH, one of the leading consulting firms for doctors and dentists. The marketing concept, as Hopf, is an essential prerequisite for the success of the practice today. Thomas Hopf experience in over 4000 work in progress shows that many doctors and dentists have catching up to do in practice marketing. Kock & Voeste conveys the way the marketing concept for doctors and dentists in seminars and in the individual single consulting practices with workshops, coaching, and development of an individual marketing concept. Kevin Johnson wanted to know more. Inventory first step in the consultation process at the individual advice by physicians and dentists is the stock-taking of the first step in the consultation process of the Kock & Voeste teams. This determine the consultant where the practice with services, patient master, competitive environment and economy. Jonas Samuelson brings even more insight to the discussion. They derive parent Aimed, E.g.
increase of the offer and sale of Zuzahlerleistungen, expansion of the referring physicians - and cooperation network, development of patient communication etc. Marketing Workshop defined the necessary counselling measures such as individual counselling, coaching and marketing workshop Kock & Voeste for the practice team the next step for the practice. Thomas Hopf advises his clients to a marketing workshop with the practice team. "A workshop in practice involves the entire team and makes it clear what potential the practice who uses or should urgently develop", the expert explains the benefits to include each employee actively in the process of the development of the marketing concept. Workshop analysis, the marketing concept following the marketing workshop, the consultants determined how and by what means the practice can implement their marketing approach to achieve the desired goals. Regard financial and also human resources of practice and targets for each measure within the marketing concept which defines success Individual measures to be measured continuously. Kock & Voeste priorities for marketing measures with a catalogue of measures for the marketing concept is practical support to the activities prioritize.
The practice team can plan optimal and based on the individual possibilities of the practice the use of human and financial. Practice marketing manager and delegate the marketing concept with action plan the practice operators in addition ways presents to goal-oriented to external service providers to delegate certain tasks. The doctor or dentist is the Manager for practice marketing, but he must and should do everything ourselves", explains Thomas Hopf. Therefore, Kock & Voeste offers support in the implementation of measures for clients in addition to the development of the marketing concept.