World Championships

Yu-Gi-Oh cards - a success story until today the collectible card game "Yu-Gi-Oh" was published in Germany in March 2002. It evolved to a bestseller but since March 2003, when the Yu-Gi-Oh TV series in Germany. The success story of the Yu-Gi-Oh cards is till today unabated: every few months new cards appear, there are now well over 4000 different appeared in so far 39 booster editions and numerous special and Promosets. But what makes it so fascinating Yu-Gi-Oh? What causes children and young people in the age of high-equipped PCs and game consoles, to deal with colourful cardboard cards? Lay the Foundation for this was certainly Yu-Gi-Oh TV series with, by a large amount of about peers have risen pretty at the same time in the game. Thus, it was ensured that shot nationwide local game communities out of the ground, and stores began to offer the first great Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments. Another important aspect is the sporting competition.

Yu-Gi-Oh offers a Opportunity to compete with others, and to be ever better. Because collecting card games like Yu-Gi-Oh that is the actual game assemble the own cards the so-called "deck" with a game against an opponent is disputed. The structure and the continuous improvement of the own deck game to play in Yu-Gi-Oh an important role, because only who perfectly matches his cards, can at the play succeed. Also the already mentioned Yu-Gi-Oh are likely to have a significant stake in the long-term success of the game tournaments. At major tournaments, the number of participants without another can amount to several hundred players. A of course attracts the community experience, where one spends his spare time with like-minded people. On the other hand, mostly high-quality prizes are issued in major tournaments on the top-ranked. Last but not least is a further stimulus in the collection of maps for many players - with over 4000 different maps, it is not easy to keep track.

The rarest cards can it without prices another 50-100 euros. Cards, which were issued on tournaments, such as World Championships, at the top ranked as prices, which are nowhere else available are still popular Yu-Gi-Oh. Such a card on an online auction platform is found, then the prices easily can be four digits. Until today, new cards appear an end of success that Yu-Gi-Oh cards is not clear - and also the dramatization is continued consistently.